Module beef.newmark

Newmark time simulation module

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Newmark time simulation module

import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import solve

def is_converged(values, tols, scaling=None):
    Check whether multiple values are below specified tolerances.  (value/scaling)
    values : double
        list of values to check
    tols : double
        corresponding list of tolerances to compare values to
    scaling : double, optional
        corresponding list of scaling of values

    ok : boolean
        converged or not?

    If entry in tols is None, the corresponding value is assumed to pass tolerance criterion. 
    If entry in tols is different than None, the value pass if value <= tol * scaling.


    if scaling is None:
        scaling = np.ones([len(tols)])
    for ix, value in enumerate(values):
        if (tols[ix] is not None) and (value>(tols[ix]*scaling[ix])):
            return False
    return True

def residual(f, f_int, C, M, udot, uddot):
    return f - (M @ uddot + C @ udot + f_int)

def residual_hht(f, f_prev, f_int, f_int_prev, K, C, M, u_prev, udot, udot_prev, uddot, alpha, gamma, beta, dt):
    return (1+alpha)*f - alpha*f_prev - ((1+alpha)*f_int - alpha*f_int_prev + C @ ((1+alpha)*udot - alpha*udot_prev) + M @ uddot)

def effective_mass(M, C, K, dt, gamma, beta, alpha=0.0):
    return M + C*gamma*dt*(1+alpha) + K*beta*dt**2*(1+alpha)

def acc_estimate(K, C, M, f, udot, u=None, f_int=None, dt=None, beta=None, gamma=None):
    Predict acceleration for time integration, based on internal forces, 
        damping matrix, mass matrix, current velocity and external force.

    K : double
        Next-step (tangent) stiffness matrix (time step k+1), 
        ndofs-by-ndofs Numpy array.
    C : double
        Damping matrix, ndofs-by-ndofs Numpy array.
    M : double
        Mass matrix, ndofs-by-ndofs Numpy array.
    f : double
        Current external forces (time step k), ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
    udot : double
        Velocity at chosen time instance, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.  
    u : optional, double
        Displacement at chosen time instance, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array. 
    f_int : optional, double
        Current internal forces (time step k). Equal K @ u if not given, 
        ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
    dt : double
        Current time step, from k to k+1.
    beta : double
        Scalar value specifying the beta parameter. 
    gamma : double
        Scalar value specifying the gamma parameter.

    uddot : double
        Resulting acceleration array, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.

    if f_int is None:   # assume linear system/solution
        if u is not None:
            f_int = K @ u
            raise ValueError('Input _either_ f_int or u!')

    acc = solve(M, f - C @ udot - f_int)

    return acc

def pred(u, udot, uddot, dt, beta=0, gamma=0):
    Predictor step in non-linear Newmark algorithm.

    u : double
        Current displacement (time step k), ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
    udot : double
        Current velocity (time step k), ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
    uddot : double
        Current acceleration (time step k), ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
    dt : double
        Current time step, from k to k+1.
    beta : double
        Beta Newmark parameter. In Chatzi implementation, 
        this is included in predictor as well as corrector - in Krenk, 
        it is only used in corrector. The chosen values (0) are based
        on Krenk's approach.
    gamma : double
        gamma Newmark parameter. In Chatzi implementation, 
        this is included in predictor as well as corrector - in Krenk, 
        it is only used in corrector. The chosen values (0) are based
        on Krenk's approach.

    u : double
        Predicted next-step displacement (time step k+1), ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
    udot : double
        Predicted next-step velocity (time step k+1), ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
    uddot : double
        Predicted next-step acceleration (time step k+1), ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
        (Input uddot is output without modifications)

    du = dt*udot + (0.5-beta)*dt**2*uddot
    u = u + du
    udot = udot + (1-gamma)*dt*uddot

    return u, udot, uddot, du

def corr(r, K, C, M, u, udot, uddot, dt, beta, gamma):
    Corrector step in non-linear Newmark algorithm.

    r : double
        Residual forces.
    K : double
        Next-step (tangent) stiffness matrix (time step k+1), 
        ndofs-by-ndofs Numpy array.
    C : double
        Damping matrix, ndofs-by-ndofs Numpy array.
    M : double
        Mass matrix, ndofs-by-ndofs Numpy array.
    u : double
        Next-step displacement, time step k+1, iteration i, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
    udot : double
        Next-step velocity, time step k+1, iteration i, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
    uddot : double
        Next-step acceleration, time step k+1, iteration i, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
    dt : double
        Current time step, from k to k+1.
    beta : double
        Scalar value specifying the beta parameter. 
    gamma : double
        Scalar value specifying the gamma parameter.

    u : double
        Predicted next-step displacement, time step k+1, iteration i+1, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
    udot : double
        Predicted next-step velocity, time step k+1, iteration i+1, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
    uddot : double
        Predicted next-step acceleration, time step k+1), iteration i+1, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
    norm_r : double
        Frobenius norm of residual force vector
    norm_u : double
        Frobenius norm of added displacement


    K_eff = K + (gamma*dt)/(beta*dt**2)*C + 1/(beta*dt**2)*M
    du = solve(K_eff, r)
    u = u + du
    udot = udot + gamma*dt/(beta*dt**2)*du
    uddot = uddot + 1/(beta*dt**2)*du    

    return u, udot, uddot, du

def corr_alt(r, K, C, M, u, udot, uddot, dt, beta, gamma, alpha=0.0):
    Corrector step in non-linear Newmark algorithm. Alternative version - uses Meff rather than Keff and allows for alpha damping.

    r : double
        Residual forces.
    K : double
        Next-step (tangent) stiffness matrix (time step k+1), 
        ndofs-by-ndofs Numpy array.
    C : double
        Damping matrix, ndofs-by-ndofs Numpy array.
    M : double
        Mass matrix, ndofs-by-ndofs Numpy array.
    u : double
        Next-step displacement, time step k+1, iteration i, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
    udot : double
        Next-step velocity, time step k+1, iteration i, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
    uddot : double
        Next-step acceleration, time step k+1, iteration i, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
    dt : double
        Current time step, from k to k+1.
    beta : double
        Scalar value specifying the beta parameter. 
    gamma : double
        Scalar value specifying the gamma parameter.

    u : double
        Predicted next-step displacement, time step k+1, iteration i+1, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
    udot : double
        Predicted next-step velocity, time step k+1, iteration i+1, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
    uddot : double
        Predicted next-step acceleration, time step k+1), iteration i+1, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
    norm_r : double
        Frobenius norm of residual force vector
    norm_u : double
        Frobenius norm of added displacement

    Meff = effective_mass(M, C, K, dt, gamma, beta, alpha)
    duddot = solve(Meff, r)
    uddot = uddot + duddot

    udot = udot + duddot*gamma*dt
    du = duddot * beta*dt**2
    u = u + du
    return u, udot, uddot, du

def dnewmark(K, C, M, f, u, udot, uddot, dt, f_int=None, beta=1.0/4.0, gamma=0.5, 
             tol_u=1e-5, tol_r=1e-5, itmax=10):
    Combined stepwise non-linear Newmark (predictor-corrector), 
        based on Algorithm 9.2 in Krenk, 2009. Because f_int is not updated each iteration
        this is equivalent to modified NR iteration.

    K : double
        Next-step (tangent) stiffness matrix (time step k+1), 
        ndofs-by-ndofs Numpy array.
    C : double
        Damping matrix, ndofs-by-ndofs Numpy array.
    M : double
        Mass matrix, ndofs-by-ndofs Numpy array.
    f : double
        Next-step external forces (time step k+1), ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
    u : double
        Next-step displacement, time step k+1, iteration i, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
    udot : double
        Next-step velocity, time step k+1, iteration i, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
    uddot : double
        Next-step acceleration, time step k+1, iteration i, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
    dt : double
        Current time step, from k to k+1.
    f_int : optional, double
        Current internal forces (time step k). Equal K @ u if not given, 
        ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
    beta : 1/4, double
        Scalar value specifying the beta parameter. 
    gamma : 0.5, double
        Scalar value specifying the gamma parameter.
    tol_u : 1e-5, double
        Convergence satisfied when |du_{k+1}| < tol_u.
    tol_r : 1e-5, double
        Convergence satisfied when |dr_{k+1}| < tol_r.
    itmax : 10, int
        Maximum number of iterations allowed per time step / increment.

    u : double
        Predicted displacement at time step k+1, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
    udot : double
        Predicted velocity at time step k+1, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
    uddot : double
        Predicted acceleration at time step k+1, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
    Because predictor and corrector steps are both included, 
    only modified Newton-Raphson is possible (can't update tangent stiffness 
    each iteration), because that would require updating model and reassembly of system. 
    Use newmark.pred and newmark.corr separately for full non-linear Newton-Raphson.


    # If no internal stiffness force is provided, assume linear system => f_int = K u
    if f_int is None:
        f_int = K @ u

    # Predictor step and initial residual calc
    u, udot, uddot, du = pred(u, udot, uddot, dt)   
    f_int += K @ du
    r = residual(f, f_int, C, M, udot, uddot)

    # Loop through iterations until convergence is met
    for it in range(itmax):
        # Corrector step
        u, udot, uddot, du = corr(r, K, C, M, u, udot, uddot, dt, beta, gamma)
        # Update internal forces and calculate residual
        f_int += K @ du
        r = residual(f, f_int, C, M, udot, uddot)

        # Check convergence and break if convergence is met
        converged = is_converged([np.linalg.norm(du), np.linalg.norm(r)], 
                            [tol_u, tol_r])
        if converged:
    return u, udot, uddot

def dnewmark_hht(K, C, M, f, u, udot, uddot, dt, f_prev, f_int=None, beta=1.0/4.0, gamma=0.5, alpha=0.0, 
             tol_u=1e-5, tol_r=1e-5, itmax=10):
    Incremental formulation of Newmark allowing for alpha-damping.

    K : double
        Next-step (tangent) stiffness matrix (time step k+1), 
        ndofs-by-ndofs Numpy array.
    C : double
        Damping matrix, ndofs-by-ndofs Numpy array.
    M : double
        Mass matrix, ndofs-by-ndofs Numpy array.
    f : double
        Next-step external forces (time step k+1), ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
    u : double
        Next-step displacement, time step k+1, iteration i, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
    udot : double
        Next-step velocity, time step k+1, iteration i, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
    uddot : double
        Next-step acceleration, time step k+1, iteration i, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
    dt : double
        Current time step, from k to k+1.
    f_int : optional, double
        Current internal forces (time step k). Equal K @ u if not given, 
        ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
    beta : 1/4, double
        Scalar value specifying the beta parameter. 
    gamma : 0.5, double
        Scalar value specifying the gamma parameter.
    tol_u : 1e-5, double
        Convergence satisfied when |du_{k+1}| < tol_u.
    tol_r : 1e-5, double
        Convergence satisfied when |dr_{k+1}| < tol_r.
    itmax : 10, int
        Maximum number of iterations allowed per time step / increment.

    u : double
        Predicted displacement at time step k+1, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
    udot : double
        Predicted velocity at time step k+1, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
    uddot : double
        Predicted acceleration at time step k+1, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
    Elena Chatzi, presentation.
    Because predictor and corrector steps are both included, 
    only modified Newton-Raphson is possible (can't update tangent stiffness 
    each iteration), because that would require updating model and reassembly of system. 
    Use newmark.pred and newmark.corr separately for full non-linear Newton-Raphson.


    # If no internal stiffness force is provided, assume linear system => f_int = K u
    if f_int is None:
        f_int = K @ u
    # Save current status as previous
    u_prev = 1.0*u
    udot_prev = 1.0*udot
    f_int_prev = 1.0*f_int

    # Predictor step and initial residual calc
    u, udot, uddot, du = pred(u, udot, uddot, dt)   
    f_int += K @ du
    r = residual_hht(f, f_prev, f_int, f_int_prev, K, C, M, u_prev, udot, udot_prev, uddot, alpha, gamma, beta, dt)

    # Loop through iterations until convergence is met
    for it in range(itmax):
        # Corrector step
        u, udot, uddot, du = corr_alt(r, K, C, M, u, udot, uddot, dt, beta, gamma, alpha=alpha)

        # Update internal forces and calculate residual
        f_int += K @ du        
        r = residual_hht(f, f_prev, f_int, f_int_prev, K, C, M, u_prev, udot, udot_prev, uddot, alpha, gamma, beta, dt)

        # Check convergence and break if convergence is met
        converged = is_converged([np.linalg.norm(du), np.linalg.norm(r)], 
                            [tol_u, tol_r])
        if converged:

        # Save current status as previous
        u_prev = 1.0*u
        udot_prev = 1.0*udot
        f_int_prev = 1.0*f_int
    return u, udot, uddot

def pred_lin(u, udot, uddot, dt, beta, gamma):
    Predictor step in linear Newmark algorithm.

    u : double
        Current displacement (time step k), ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
    udot : double
        Current velocity (time step k), ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
    uddot : double
        Current acceleration (time step k), ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
    dt : double
        Current time step, from k to k+1.
    beta : double
        Scalar value specifying the beta parameter. 
    gamma : double
        Scalar value specifying the gamma parameter.

    u : double
        Predicted next-step displacement (time step k+1), ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
    udot : double
        Predicted next-step velocity (time step k+1), ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
    uddot : double
        Predicted next-step acceleration (time step k+1), ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
        Input is output without modification.

    du = dt*udot + (0.5-beta)*dt**2*uddot
    u = u + du
    udot = udot + (1-gamma)*dt*uddot    
    return u, udot, uddot, du

def corr_lin(K, C, M, f, u, udot, uddot, dt, beta, gamma):
    Corrector step in inear Newmark algorithm.

    K : double
        Next-step (tangent) stiffness matrix (time step k+1), 
        ndofs-by-ndofs Numpy array.
    C : double
        Damping matrix, ndofs-by-ndofs Numpy array.
    M : double
        Mass matrix, ndofs-by-ndofs Numpy array.
    f : double
        Next-step external forces (time step k+1), ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
    u : double
        Next-step displacement, time step k+1, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
    udot : double
        Next-step velocity, time step k+1, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
    uddot : double
        Next-step acceleration, time step k+1, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
    dt : double
        Current time step, from k to k+1.
    beta : double
        Scalar value specifying the beta parameter. 
    gamma : double
        Scalar value specifying the gamma parameter.

    u : double
        Predicted next-step displacement, time step k+1, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
    udot : double
        Predicted next-step velocity, time step k+1, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
    uddot : double
        Predicted next-step acceleration, time step k+1), ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.


    M_eff = effective_mass(M, C, K, dt, gamma, beta)
    uddot = acc_estimate(K, C, M_eff, f, udot, u=u)
    udot = udot + gamma*dt*uddot
    du = beta*dt**2*uddot
    u = u + du
    return u, udot, uddot, du

def dnewmark_lin(K, C, M, f, u, udot, uddot, dt, beta=1.0/4.0, gamma=0.5):
    Combined (predictor-corrector) stepwise linear Newmark based on Algorithm 9.1 in Krenk, 2009.

    K : double
        Stiffness matrix, ndofs-by-ndofs Numpy array.
    C : double
        Damping matrix, ndofs-by-ndofs Numpy array.
    M : double
        Mass matrix, ndofs-by-ndofs Numpy array.
    f : double
        Next-step external forces (time step k+1), ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
    u : double
        Next-step displacement, time step k+1, iteration i, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
    udot : double
        Next-step velocity, time step k+1, iteration i, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
    uddot : double
        Next-step acceleration, time step k+1, iteration i, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
    dt : double
        Current time step, from k to k+1.
    beta : 1.0/6.0, optional
        Scalar value specifying the beta parameter. 
    gamma : 0.5, optional
        Scalar value specifying the gamma parameter.

    u : double
        Predicted displacement at time step k+1, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
    udot : double
        Predicted velocity at time step k+1, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
    uddot : double
        Predicted acceleration at time step k+1, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.

    u, udot, uddot, __ = pred_lin(u, udot, uddot, dt, beta, gamma)
    u, udot, uddot, __ = corr_lin(K, C, M, f, u, udot, uddot, dt, beta, gamma)

    return u, udot, uddot

def dnewmark_lin_alt(K, C, M, df, u, udot, uddot, dt, beta=1.0/4.0, gamma=0.5):
    Alternative implementation, stepwise linear Newmark.

    K : double
        Stiffness matrix, ndofs-by-ndofs Numpy array.
    C : double
        Damping matrix, ndofs-by-ndofs Numpy array.
    M : double
        Mass matrix, ndofs-by-ndofs Numpy array.
    f : double
        Next-step external forces (time step k+1), ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
    u : double
        Next-step displacement, time step k+1, iteration i, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
    udot : double
        Next-step velocity, time step k+1, iteration i, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
    uddot : double
        Next-step acceleration, time step k+1, iteration i, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
    dt : double
        Current time step, from k to k+1.
    beta : 1.0/4.0, optional
        Scalar value specifying the beta parameter. 
    gamma : 0.5, optional
        Scalar value specifying the gamma parameter.

    u : double
        Predicted displacement at time step k+1, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
    udot : double
        Predicted velocity at time step k+1, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
    uddot : double
        Predicted acceleration at time step k+1, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.

    a = 1/(beta*dt)*M + gamma/beta*C
    b = 1/(2*beta)*M + dt*(gamma/(2*beta)-1)*C
    K_eff = K + gamma/(beta*dt)*C + 1/(beta*dt**2)*M

    df_hat = df + a @ udot + b @ uddot

    du = solve(K_eff, df_hat)
    dudot = gamma/(beta*dt)*du - gamma/beta*udot + dt*(1-gamma/(2*beta))*uddot
    duddot = 1/(beta*dt**2)*du - 1/(beta*dt)*udot - 1/(2*beta)*uddot
    u = u + du
    udot = udot + dudot
    uddot = uddot + duddot  
    return u, udot, uddot

def newmark_lin(K, C, M, f, t, u0, udot0, beta=1.0/4.0, gamma=0.5, solver='full_hht', alpha=0.0):
    Combined linear Newmark (predictor-corrector), full time history.
    K : double
        Stiffness matrix, ndofs-by-ndofs Numpy array.
    C : double
        Damping matrix, ndofs-by-ndofs Numpy array.
    M : double
        Mass matrix, ndofs-by-ndofs Numpy array.
    f : double
        Full history of external forces, ndofs-by-nsamples Numpy array.
    u0 : double
        Initial displacement, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
    udot0 : double
        Initial velocity, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
    t : double
        Time instances corresponding to f, nsamples long Numpy array.
    beta : 1/4, optional
        Scalar value specifying the beta parameter. 
    gamma : 0.5, optional
        Scalar value specifying the gamma parameter.
    solver : {'full_hht', 'full', 'lin', 'lin_alt'}, optional
        What step-wise solver to enforce each time step. Useful for debugging.
    alpha : 0.0, optional
        Only used when 'nonlin_hht' is enforced

    u : double
        Predicted displacement time history, ndofs-by-nsamples Numpy array.
    udot : double
        Predicted velocity time history, ndofs-by-nsamples Numpy array.
    uddot : double
        Predicted acceleration time history, ndofs-by-nsamples Numpy array.

    # Initialize response arrays
    u = f*0
    udot = f*0
    uddot = f*0
    n_samples = f.shape[1]   
    args = [[]]*n_samples

    # Assign initial conditions
    u[:, 0] = u0
    udot[:, 0] = udot0
    uddot[:, 0] = acc_estimate(K, C, M, f[:, 0], udot0, u0)
    # Prepare for different solver types
    if solver == 'lin':
        dnmrk_fun = dnewmark_lin
        kwargs = {}
    elif solver == 'lin_alt':   #BJF
        # This version uses df_k = f_k+1-f_k for each time step, 
        # so needs to redefine f
        dnmrk_fun = dnewmark_lin_alt
        f = np.diff(f, axis=1)
        f = np.insert(f, 0, f[:,0]*0, axis=1)
        kwargs = {}
        uddot[:, 0] = uddot[:, 0]*0     #remove initial acceleration estimate
    elif solver == 'full':
        dnmrk_fun = dnewmark
        kwargs = {'itmax': 1}
    elif solver == 'full_hht':
        dnmrk_fun = dnewmark_hht
        kwargs = {'itmax': 1, 'alpha': alpha}

        for k in range(n_samples):
            args[k] = [f[:, k]]

    # Loop through all time steps
    for k in range(n_samples-1):
        dt = t[k+1] - t[k]
        u[:, k+1], udot[:, k+1], uddot[:, k+1] = dnmrk_fun(K, C, M, f[:, k+1], u[:, k], udot[:, k], uddot[:, k], dt, beta=beta, gamma=gamma, *args[k], **kwargs)

    return u, udot, uddot

def factors_from_alpha(alpha):
    if alpha>0 or alpha<(-1.0/3.0):
        raise ValueError('alpha must be in range [-1/3, 0]')
    gamma = 0.5 * (1-2*alpha)
    beta = 0.25 * (1-alpha)**2
    return dict(beta=beta, gamma=gamma, alpha=alpha)

def factors(version='linear'):
    """ Gamma and beta factors for Newmark. Alpha is also output as zero, for convenience.
    version : {'linear', 'constant', 'average', 'fox-goodwin'}, optional
        String characterizing what method to use for Newmark simulation.
    beta : double
        Beta factor for Newmark analysis.
    gamma : double
        Gamma factor for Newmark analysis.
    alpha : double
        Hard coded to zero for all cases herein
    factors = {'average': {'beta': 0.25, 'gamma': 0.5, 'alpha': 0.0},
               'constant': {'beta': 0.25, 'gamma': 0.5, 'alpha': 0.0},
               'linear': {'beta': 1.0/6.0, 'gamma': 0.5, 'alpha': 0.0},
               'fox-goodwin': {'beta': 1.0/12.0, 'gamma':0.5, 'alpha': 0.0},
               'explicit': {'beta': 0, 'gamma': 0.5, 'alpha': 0.0}}
    return factors[version]
def stable_increment(omega_max, gamma=1/2, beta=1/6):
    return 1/(omega_max*np.sqrt(gamma*0.5-beta))


def acc_estimate(K, C, M, f, udot, u=None, f_int=None, dt=None, beta=None, gamma=None)

Predict acceleration for time integration, based on internal forces, damping matrix, mass matrix, current velocity and external force.


K : double
Next-step (tangent) stiffness matrix (time step k+1), ndofs-by-ndofs Numpy array.
C : double
Damping matrix, ndofs-by-ndofs Numpy array.
M : double
Mass matrix, ndofs-by-ndofs Numpy array.
f : double
Current external forces (time step k), ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
udot : double
Velocity at chosen time instance, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
u : optional, double
Displacement at chosen time instance, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
f_int : optional, double
Current internal forces (time step k). Equal K @ u if not given, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
dt : double
Current time step, from k to k+1.
beta : double
Scalar value specifying the beta parameter.
gamma : double
Scalar value specifying the gamma parameter.


uddot : double
Resulting acceleration array, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
def corr(r, K, C, M, u, udot, uddot, dt, beta, gamma)

Corrector step in non-linear Newmark algorithm.


r : double
Residual forces.
K : double
Next-step (tangent) stiffness matrix (time step k+1), ndofs-by-ndofs Numpy array.
C : double
Damping matrix, ndofs-by-ndofs Numpy array.
M : double
Mass matrix, ndofs-by-ndofs Numpy array.
u : double
Next-step displacement, time step k+1, iteration i, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
udot : double
Next-step velocity, time step k+1, iteration i, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
uddot : double
Next-step acceleration, time step k+1, iteration i, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
dt : double
Current time step, from k to k+1.
beta : double
Scalar value specifying the beta parameter.
gamma : double
Scalar value specifying the gamma parameter.


u : double
Predicted next-step displacement, time step k+1, iteration i+1, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
udot : double
Predicted next-step velocity, time step k+1, iteration i+1, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
uddot : double
Predicted next-step acceleration, time step k+1), iteration i+1, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
norm_r : double
Frobenius norm of residual force vector
norm_u : double
Frobenius norm of added displacement
def corr_alt(r, K, C, M, u, udot, uddot, dt, beta, gamma, alpha=0.0)

Corrector step in non-linear Newmark algorithm. Alternative version - uses Meff rather than Keff and allows for alpha damping.


r : double
Residual forces.
K : double
Next-step (tangent) stiffness matrix (time step k+1), ndofs-by-ndofs Numpy array.
C : double
Damping matrix, ndofs-by-ndofs Numpy array.
M : double
Mass matrix, ndofs-by-ndofs Numpy array.
u : double
Next-step displacement, time step k+1, iteration i, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
udot : double
Next-step velocity, time step k+1, iteration i, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
uddot : double
Next-step acceleration, time step k+1, iteration i, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
dt : double
Current time step, from k to k+1.
beta : double
Scalar value specifying the beta parameter.
gamma : double
Scalar value specifying the gamma parameter.


u : double
Predicted next-step displacement, time step k+1, iteration i+1, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
udot : double
Predicted next-step velocity, time step k+1, iteration i+1, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
uddot : double
Predicted next-step acceleration, time step k+1), iteration i+1, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
norm_r : double
Frobenius norm of residual force vector
norm_u : double
Frobenius norm of added displacement
def corr_lin(K, C, M, f, u, udot, uddot, dt, beta, gamma)

Corrector step in inear Newmark algorithm.


K : double
Next-step (tangent) stiffness matrix (time step k+1), ndofs-by-ndofs Numpy array.
C : double
Damping matrix, ndofs-by-ndofs Numpy array.
M : double
Mass matrix, ndofs-by-ndofs Numpy array.
f : double
Next-step external forces (time step k+1), ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
u : double
Next-step displacement, time step k+1, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
udot : double
Next-step velocity, time step k+1, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
uddot : double
Next-step acceleration, time step k+1, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
dt : double
Current time step, from k to k+1.
beta : double
Scalar value specifying the beta parameter.
gamma : double
Scalar value specifying the gamma parameter.


u : double
Predicted next-step displacement, time step k+1, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
udot : double
Predicted next-step velocity, time step k+1, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
uddot : double
Predicted next-step acceleration, time step k+1), ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
def dnewmark(K, C, M, f, u, udot, uddot, dt, f_int=None, beta=0.25, gamma=0.5, tol_u=1e-05, tol_r=1e-05, itmax=10)

Combined stepwise non-linear Newmark (predictor-corrector), based on Algorithm 9.2 in Krenk, 2009. Because f_int is not updated each iteration this is equivalent to modified NR iteration.


K : double
Next-step (tangent) stiffness matrix (time step k+1), ndofs-by-ndofs Numpy array.
C : double
Damping matrix, ndofs-by-ndofs Numpy array.
M : double
Mass matrix, ndofs-by-ndofs Numpy array.
f : double
Next-step external forces (time step k+1), ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
u : double
Next-step displacement, time step k+1, iteration i, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
udot : double
Next-step velocity, time step k+1, iteration i, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
uddot : double
Next-step acceleration, time step k+1, iteration i, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
dt : double
Current time step, from k to k+1.
f_int : optional, double
Current internal forces (time step k). Equal K @ u if not given, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
beta : 1/4, double
Scalar value specifying the beta parameter.
gamma : 0.5, double
Scalar value specifying the gamma parameter.
tol_u : 1e-5, double
Convergence satisfied when |du_{k+1}| < tol_u.
tol_r : 1e-5, double
Convergence satisfied when |dr_{k+1}| < tol_r.
itmax : 10, int
Maximum number of iterations allowed per time step / increment.


u : double
Predicted displacement at time step k+1, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
udot : double
Predicted velocity at time step k+1, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
uddot : double
Predicted acceleration at time step k+1, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.




Because predictor and corrector steps are both included, only modified Newton-Raphson is possible (can't update tangent stiffness each iteration), because that would require updating model and reassembly of system. Use newmark.pred and newmark.corr separately for full non-linear Newton-Raphson.

def dnewmark_hht(K, C, M, f, u, udot, uddot, dt, f_prev, f_int=None, beta=0.25, gamma=0.5, alpha=0.0, tol_u=1e-05, tol_r=1e-05, itmax=10)

Incremental formulation of Newmark allowing for alpha-damping.


K : double
Next-step (tangent) stiffness matrix (time step k+1), ndofs-by-ndofs Numpy array.
C : double
Damping matrix, ndofs-by-ndofs Numpy array.
M : double
Mass matrix, ndofs-by-ndofs Numpy array.
f : double
Next-step external forces (time step k+1), ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
u : double
Next-step displacement, time step k+1, iteration i, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
udot : double
Next-step velocity, time step k+1, iteration i, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
uddot : double
Next-step acceleration, time step k+1, iteration i, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
dt : double
Current time step, from k to k+1.
f_int : optional, double
Current internal forces (time step k). Equal K @ u if not given, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
beta : 1/4, double
Scalar value specifying the beta parameter.
gamma : 0.5, double
Scalar value specifying the gamma parameter.
tol_u : 1e-5, double
Convergence satisfied when |du_{k+1}| < tol_u.
tol_r : 1e-5, double
Convergence satisfied when |dr_{k+1}| < tol_r.
itmax : 10, int
Maximum number of iterations allowed per time step / increment.


u : double
Predicted displacement at time step k+1, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
udot : double
Predicted velocity at time step k+1, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
uddot : double
Predicted acceleration at time step k+1, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.


Elena Chatzi, presentation.


Because predictor and corrector steps are both included, only modified Newton-Raphson is possible (can't update tangent stiffness each iteration), because that would require updating model and reassembly of system. Use newmark.pred and newmark.corr separately for full non-linear Newton-Raphson.

def dnewmark_lin(K, C, M, f, u, udot, uddot, dt, beta=0.25, gamma=0.5)

Combined (predictor-corrector) stepwise linear Newmark based on Algorithm 9.1 in Krenk, 2009.


K : double
Stiffness matrix, ndofs-by-ndofs Numpy array.
C : double
Damping matrix, ndofs-by-ndofs Numpy array.
M : double
Mass matrix, ndofs-by-ndofs Numpy array.
f : double
Next-step external forces (time step k+1), ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
u : double
Next-step displacement, time step k+1, iteration i, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
udot : double
Next-step velocity, time step k+1, iteration i, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
uddot : double
Next-step acceleration, time step k+1, iteration i, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
dt : double
Current time step, from k to k+1.
beta : 1.0/6.0, optional
Scalar value specifying the beta parameter.
gamma : 0.5, optional
Scalar value specifying the gamma parameter.


u : double
Predicted displacement at time step k+1, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
udot : double
Predicted velocity at time step k+1, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
uddot : double
Predicted acceleration at time step k+1, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.



def dnewmark_lin_alt(K, C, M, df, u, udot, uddot, dt, beta=0.25, gamma=0.5)

Alternative implementation, stepwise linear Newmark.


K : double
Stiffness matrix, ndofs-by-ndofs Numpy array.
C : double
Damping matrix, ndofs-by-ndofs Numpy array.
M : double
Mass matrix, ndofs-by-ndofs Numpy array.
f : double
Next-step external forces (time step k+1), ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
u : double
Next-step displacement, time step k+1, iteration i, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
udot : double
Next-step velocity, time step k+1, iteration i, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
uddot : double
Next-step acceleration, time step k+1, iteration i, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
dt : double
Current time step, from k to k+1.
beta : 1.0/4.0, optional
Scalar value specifying the beta parameter.
gamma : 0.5, optional
Scalar value specifying the gamma parameter.


u : double
Predicted displacement at time step k+1, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
udot : double
Predicted velocity at time step k+1, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
uddot : double
Predicted acceleration at time step k+1, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
def effective_mass(M, C, K, dt, gamma, beta, alpha=0.0)
def factors(version='linear')

Gamma and beta factors for Newmark. Alpha is also output as zero, for convenience.


version : {'linear', 'constant', 'average', 'fox-goodwin'}, optional
String characterizing what method to use for Newmark simulation.


beta : double
Beta factor for Newmark analysis.
gamma : double
Gamma factor for Newmark analysis.
alpha : double
Hard coded to zero for all cases herein
def factors_from_alpha(alpha)
def is_converged(values, tols, scaling=None)

Check whether multiple values are below specified tolerances. (value/scaling)


values : double
list of values to check
tols : double
corresponding list of tolerances to compare values to
scaling : double, optional
corresponding list of scaling of values


ok : boolean
converged or not?


If entry in tols is None, the corresponding value is assumed to pass tolerance criterion. If entry in tols is different than None, the value pass if value <= tol * scaling.

def newmark_lin(K, C, M, f, t, u0, udot0, beta=0.25, gamma=0.5, solver='full_hht', alpha=0.0)

Combined linear Newmark (predictor-corrector), full time history.


K : double
Stiffness matrix, ndofs-by-ndofs Numpy array.
C : double
Damping matrix, ndofs-by-ndofs Numpy array.
M : double
Mass matrix, ndofs-by-ndofs Numpy array.
f : double
Full history of external forces, ndofs-by-nsamples Numpy array.
u0 : double
Initial displacement, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
udot0 : double
Initial velocity, ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
t : double
Time instances corresponding to f, nsamples long Numpy array.
beta : 1/4, optional
Scalar value specifying the beta parameter.
gamma : 0.5, optional
Scalar value specifying the gamma parameter.
solver : {'full_hht', 'full', 'lin', 'lin_alt'}, optional
What step-wise solver to enforce each time step. Useful for debugging.
alpha : 0.0, optional
Only used when 'nonlin_hht' is enforced


u : double
Predicted displacement time history, ndofs-by-nsamples Numpy array.
udot : double
Predicted velocity time history, ndofs-by-nsamples Numpy array.
uddot : double
Predicted acceleration time history, ndofs-by-nsamples Numpy array.
def pred(u, udot, uddot, dt, beta=0, gamma=0)

Predictor step in non-linear Newmark algorithm.


u : double
Current displacement (time step k), ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
udot : double
Current velocity (time step k), ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
uddot : double
Current acceleration (time step k), ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
dt : double
Current time step, from k to k+1.
beta : double
Beta Newmark parameter. In Chatzi implementation, this is included in predictor as well as corrector - in Krenk, it is only used in corrector. The chosen values (0) are based on Krenk's approach.
gamma : double
gamma Newmark parameter. In Chatzi implementation, this is included in predictor as well as corrector - in Krenk, it is only used in corrector. The chosen values (0) are based on Krenk's approach.


u : double
Predicted next-step displacement (time step k+1), ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
udot : double
Predicted next-step velocity (time step k+1), ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
uddot : double
Predicted next-step acceleration (time step k+1), ndofs-by-1 Numpy array. (Input uddot is output without modifications)
def pred_lin(u, udot, uddot, dt, beta, gamma)

Predictor step in linear Newmark algorithm.


u : double
Current displacement (time step k), ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
udot : double
Current velocity (time step k), ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
uddot : double
Current acceleration (time step k), ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
dt : double
Current time step, from k to k+1.
beta : double
Scalar value specifying the beta parameter.
gamma : double
Scalar value specifying the gamma parameter.


u : double
Predicted next-step displacement (time step k+1), ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
udot : double
Predicted next-step velocity (time step k+1), ndofs-by-1 Numpy array.
uddot : double
Predicted next-step acceleration (time step k+1), ndofs-by-1 Numpy array. Input is output without modification.
def residual(f, f_int, C, M, udot, uddot)
def residual_hht(f, f_prev, f_int, f_int_prev, K, C, M, u_prev, udot, udot_prev, uddot, alpha, gamma, beta, dt)
def stable_increment(omega_max, gamma=0.5, beta=0.16666666666666666)