Module koma.modal

Modal post-processing module

All functions related to the processing of results from OMA methods or in general.

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Modal post-processing module
All functions related to the processing of results from OMA methods or in general.

import numpy as np

def xmacmat(phi1, phi2=None, conjugates=True):
    Modal assurance criterion numbers, cross-matrix between two modal transformation matrices (modes stacked as columns).

    phi1 : double
        reference modes
    phi2 : double, optional
        modes to compare with, if not given (i.e., equal default value None), phi1 vs phi1 is assumed
    conjugates : True, optional
        check the complex conjugates of all modes as well (should normally be True)

    macs : double
        matrix of MAC numbers
    # If no phi2 is given, assign value of phi1
    if phi2 is None:
        phi2 = 1.0*phi1
    if len(np.shape(phi1))==1:
        phi1 = np.expand_dims(phi1, axis=0).T
    if len(np.shape(phi2))==1:
        phi2 = np.expand_dims(phi2, axis=0).T

    norms = np.real(np.sum(phi1.T * np.conj(phi1.T), axis=1))[:,np.newaxis] @ np.real(np.sum(phi2.T * np.conj(phi2.T),axis=1))[np.newaxis,:]

    if conjugates:
        macs1 = np.divide(abs(, phi2))**2, norms)
        macs2 = np.divide(abs(, phi2.conj()))**2, norms)     
        macs = np.maximum(macs1, macs2)
        macs = np.divide(abs(, phi2.conj()))**2, norms)

    macs = np.real(macs)
    if np.size(macs) == 1:
        macs = macs[0,0]
    return macs

def xmacmat_alt(phi1, phi2=None, conjugates=True):
    Alternative implementation. Modal assurance criterion numbers, cross-matrix between two modal transformation matrices (modes stacked as columns).

    phi1 : double
        reference modes
    phi2 : double, optional
        modes to compare with, if not given (i.e., equal default value None), phi1 vs phi1 is assumed
    conjugates : True, optional
        check the complex conjugates of all modes as well (should normally be True)

    macs : boolean
        matrix of MAC numbers

    if phi2 is None:
        phi2 = phi1
    if phi1.ndim==1:
        phi1 = phi1[:, np.newaxis]
    if phi2.ndim==1:
        phi2 = phi2[:, np.newaxis]
    A = np.sum(phi1.T * np.conj(phi1.T), axis=1)[:,np.newaxis]
    B = np.sum(phi2.T * np.conj(phi2.T), axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
    norms = np.abs(A @ B.T)

    if conjugates:
        macs = np.maximum(abs(phi1.T @ phi2)**2/norms, abs(phi1.T @ phi2.conj())**2/norms)     #maximum = element-wise max
        macs = abs(phi1.T @ phi2)**2/norms
    macs = np.real(macs)
    return macs

def mac(phi1, phi2):
    Modal assurance criterion number from comparison of two mode shapes.

    phi1 : double
        first mode
    phi2 : double
        second mode

    mac_value : boolean
        MAC number

    mac_value = np.real(np.abs(,phi2))**2 / np.abs((, phi1) *, phi2))))
    return mac_value

def maxreal_vector(phi):
    Rotate complex vector such that the absolute values of the real parts are maximized.

    phi : double
        complex-valued mode shape vector (column-wise stacked mode shapes)

    phi_max_real : boolean
        complex-valued mode shape vector, with vector rotated to have maximum real parts

    angles = np.expand_dims(np.arange(0, np.pi, 0.01), axis=0)
    rot_mode =, axis=1), np.exp(angles*1j))
    max_angle_ix = np.argmax(np.sum(np.real(rot_mode)**2))

    return phi * np.exp(angles[0, max_angle_ix]*1j)*np.sign(sum(np.real(phi)))

def maxreal(phi):
    Rotate complex vectors (stacked column-wise) such that the absolute values of the real parts are maximized.

    phi : double
        complex-valued modal transformation matrix (column-wise stacked mode shapes)

    phi_max_real : boolean
        complex-valued modal transformation matrix, with vectors rotated to have maximum real parts

    angles = np.expand_dims(np.arange(0, np.pi, 0.01), axis=0)
    phi_max_real = np.zeros(np.shape(phi)).astype('complex')
    for mode in range(0,np.shape(phi)[1]):
        rot_mode =[:, mode], axis=1), np.exp(angles*1j))
        max_angle_ix = np.argmax(np.sum(np.real(rot_mode)**2,axis=0), axis=0)

        phi_max_real[:, mode] = phi[:, mode] * np.exp(angles[0, max_angle_ix]*1j)*np.sign(sum(np.real(phi[:, mode])))

    return phi_max_real

def maxreal_alt(phi, preserve_conjugates=False):
    angles = np.expand_dims(np.arange(0, np.pi, 0.01), axis=0)
    if phi.ndim==1:
        phi = np.array([phi]).T

    phi_max_real = np.zeros(np.shape(phi)).astype('complex')        

    for mode in range(np.shape(phi)[1]):
        rot_mode =[:, mode], axis=1), np.exp(angles*1j))
        max_angle_ix = np.argmax(np.sum(np.real(rot_mode)**2, axis=0), axis=0)

        phi_max_real[:, mode] = phi[:, mode] * np.exp(angles[0, max_angle_ix]*1j)*np.sign(sum(np.real(phi[:, mode])))
    return phi_max_real

def align_two_modes(phi1, phi2):
    Determine flip sign of two complex-valued or real-valued mode shapes.

    phi1 : double
        complex-valued (or real-valued) mode shape
    phi2 : double
        complex-valued (or real-valued) mode shape

    flip_sign : int
       1 or -1 depending on if modes should be flipped or not

    prod =, phi2)
    if np.real(prod)<0:
        return -1
        return 1

def align_modes(phi):
    Flip complex-valued or real-valued mode shapes such that similar modes have the same sign.

    phi : double
        complex-valued (or real-valued) modal transformation matrix (column-wise stacked mode shapes)

    phi_aligned : boolean
        aligned complex-valued (or real-valued) modal transformation matrix

    prod = (phi.T @ phi)
    most_equal_ix = np.argmax(np.abs(np.sum(np.real(prod), axis=1)))
    modes_to_flip = np.real(prod)[:,most_equal_ix]<0
    phi_aligned = phi*1.0
    phi_aligned[:, modes_to_flip] = -phi[:,modes_to_flip]  # flip modes
    return phi_aligned

def normalize_phi(phi, return_scaling=True):
    Normalize all complex-valued (or real-valued) mode shapes in modal transformation matrix.

    phi : double
        complex-valued (or real-valued) modal transformation matrix (column-wise stacked mode shapes)
    return_scaling : True, optional
        whether or not to return scaling as second return variable

    phi_n : boolean
        modal transformation matrix, with normalized (absolute value of) mode shapes
    mode_scaling : float 
        the corresponding scaling factors used to normalize, i.e., phi_n[:,n] * mode_scaling[n] = phi[n]

    phi_n = phi*0
    n_modes = np.shape(phi)[1]
    mode_scaling = np.zeros([n_modes])
    for mode in range(0, n_modes):
        mode_scaling[mode] = max(abs(phi[:, mode]))
        sign = np.sign(phi[np.argmax(abs(phi[:, mode])), mode])
        phi_n[:, mode] = phi[:, mode]/mode_scaling[mode]*sign

    if return_scaling:
        return phi_n, mode_scaling
        return phi_n

def normalize_phi_alt(phi, include_dofs=[0,1,2,3,4,5,6], n_dofs=6, return_scaling=True):
    phi_n = phi*0

    phi_for_scaling = np.vstack([phi[dof::n_dofs, :] for dof in include_dofs])
    mode_scaling = np.max(np.abs(phi_for_scaling), axis=0)
    ix_max = np.argmax(np.abs(phi_for_scaling), axis=0)
    signs = np.sign(phi_for_scaling[ix_max, range(0, len(ix_max))])
    signs[signs==0] = 1
    mode_scaling[mode_scaling==0] = 1

    phi_n = phi/np.tile(mode_scaling[np.newaxis,:]/signs[np.newaxis,:], [phi.shape[0], 1])
    if return_scaling:
        return phi_n, mode_scaling
        return phi_n

def mpc(phi):
    # Based on the current paper:
    # Pappa, R. S., Elliott, K. B., & Schenk, A. (1993). 
    # Consistent-mode indicator for the eigensystem realization algorithm. 
    # Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 16(5), 852–858.

    # Ensure on matrix format
    if phi.ndim == 1:
        phi = phi[:,np.newaxis]

    n_modes = np.shape(phi)[1]
    mpc_val = [None]*n_modes

    for mode in range(0,n_modes):
        phin = phi[:, mode]
        Sxx =, np.real(phin))
        Syy =, np.imag(phin))
        Sxy =, np.imag(phin))

        if Sxy != 0.0:
            eta = (Syy-Sxx)/(2*Sxy)
            lambda1 = (Sxx+Syy)/2 + Sxy*np.sqrt(eta**2+1)
            lambda2 = (Sxx+Syy)/2 - Sxy*np.sqrt(eta**2+1)
            mpc_val[mode] = ((lambda1-lambda2)/(lambda1+lambda2))**2
            mpc_val[mode] = 1.0

    mpc_val = np.array(mpc_val)
    return mpc_val


def align_modes(phi)

Flip complex-valued or real-valued mode shapes such that similar modes have the same sign.


phi : double
complex-valued (or real-valued) modal transformation matrix (column-wise stacked mode shapes)


phi_aligned : boolean
aligned complex-valued (or real-valued) modal transformation matrix
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def align_modes(phi):
    Flip complex-valued or real-valued mode shapes such that similar modes have the same sign.

    phi : double
        complex-valued (or real-valued) modal transformation matrix (column-wise stacked mode shapes)

    phi_aligned : boolean
        aligned complex-valued (or real-valued) modal transformation matrix

    prod = (phi.T @ phi)
    most_equal_ix = np.argmax(np.abs(np.sum(np.real(prod), axis=1)))
    modes_to_flip = np.real(prod)[:,most_equal_ix]<0
    phi_aligned = phi*1.0
    phi_aligned[:, modes_to_flip] = -phi[:,modes_to_flip]  # flip modes
    return phi_aligned
def align_two_modes(phi1, phi2)

Determine flip sign of two complex-valued or real-valued mode shapes.


phi1 : double
complex-valued (or real-valued) mode shape
phi2 : double
complex-valued (or real-valued) mode shape


flip_sign : int

1 or -1 depending on if modes should be flipped or not

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def align_two_modes(phi1, phi2):
    Determine flip sign of two complex-valued or real-valued mode shapes.

    phi1 : double
        complex-valued (or real-valued) mode shape
    phi2 : double
        complex-valued (or real-valued) mode shape

    flip_sign : int
       1 or -1 depending on if modes should be flipped or not

    prod =, phi2)
    if np.real(prod)<0:
        return -1
        return 1
def mac(phi1, phi2)

Modal assurance criterion number from comparison of two mode shapes.


phi1 : double
first mode
phi2 : double
second mode


mac_value : boolean
MAC number
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def mac(phi1, phi2):
    Modal assurance criterion number from comparison of two mode shapes.

    phi1 : double
        first mode
    phi2 : double
        second mode

    mac_value : boolean
        MAC number

    mac_value = np.real(np.abs(,phi2))**2 / np.abs((, phi1) *, phi2))))
    return mac_value
def maxreal(phi)

Rotate complex vectors (stacked column-wise) such that the absolute values of the real parts are maximized.


phi : double
complex-valued modal transformation matrix (column-wise stacked mode shapes)


phi_max_real : boolean
complex-valued modal transformation matrix, with vectors rotated to have maximum real parts
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def maxreal(phi):
    Rotate complex vectors (stacked column-wise) such that the absolute values of the real parts are maximized.

    phi : double
        complex-valued modal transformation matrix (column-wise stacked mode shapes)

    phi_max_real : boolean
        complex-valued modal transformation matrix, with vectors rotated to have maximum real parts

    angles = np.expand_dims(np.arange(0, np.pi, 0.01), axis=0)
    phi_max_real = np.zeros(np.shape(phi)).astype('complex')
    for mode in range(0,np.shape(phi)[1]):
        rot_mode =[:, mode], axis=1), np.exp(angles*1j))
        max_angle_ix = np.argmax(np.sum(np.real(rot_mode)**2,axis=0), axis=0)

        phi_max_real[:, mode] = phi[:, mode] * np.exp(angles[0, max_angle_ix]*1j)*np.sign(sum(np.real(phi[:, mode])))

    return phi_max_real
def maxreal_alt(phi, preserve_conjugates=False)
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def maxreal_alt(phi, preserve_conjugates=False):
    angles = np.expand_dims(np.arange(0, np.pi, 0.01), axis=0)
    if phi.ndim==1:
        phi = np.array([phi]).T

    phi_max_real = np.zeros(np.shape(phi)).astype('complex')        

    for mode in range(np.shape(phi)[1]):
        rot_mode =[:, mode], axis=1), np.exp(angles*1j))
        max_angle_ix = np.argmax(np.sum(np.real(rot_mode)**2, axis=0), axis=0)

        phi_max_real[:, mode] = phi[:, mode] * np.exp(angles[0, max_angle_ix]*1j)*np.sign(sum(np.real(phi[:, mode])))
    return phi_max_real
def maxreal_vector(phi)

Rotate complex vector such that the absolute values of the real parts are maximized.


phi : double
complex-valued mode shape vector (column-wise stacked mode shapes)


phi_max_real : boolean
complex-valued mode shape vector, with vector rotated to have maximum real parts
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def maxreal_vector(phi):
    Rotate complex vector such that the absolute values of the real parts are maximized.

    phi : double
        complex-valued mode shape vector (column-wise stacked mode shapes)

    phi_max_real : boolean
        complex-valued mode shape vector, with vector rotated to have maximum real parts

    angles = np.expand_dims(np.arange(0, np.pi, 0.01), axis=0)
    rot_mode =, axis=1), np.exp(angles*1j))
    max_angle_ix = np.argmax(np.sum(np.real(rot_mode)**2))

    return phi * np.exp(angles[0, max_angle_ix]*1j)*np.sign(sum(np.real(phi)))
def mpc(phi)
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def mpc(phi):
    # Based on the current paper:
    # Pappa, R. S., Elliott, K. B., & Schenk, A. (1993). 
    # Consistent-mode indicator for the eigensystem realization algorithm. 
    # Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 16(5), 852–858.

    # Ensure on matrix format
    if phi.ndim == 1:
        phi = phi[:,np.newaxis]

    n_modes = np.shape(phi)[1]
    mpc_val = [None]*n_modes

    for mode in range(0,n_modes):
        phin = phi[:, mode]
        Sxx =, np.real(phin))
        Syy =, np.imag(phin))
        Sxy =, np.imag(phin))

        if Sxy != 0.0:
            eta = (Syy-Sxx)/(2*Sxy)
            lambda1 = (Sxx+Syy)/2 + Sxy*np.sqrt(eta**2+1)
            lambda2 = (Sxx+Syy)/2 - Sxy*np.sqrt(eta**2+1)
            mpc_val[mode] = ((lambda1-lambda2)/(lambda1+lambda2))**2
            mpc_val[mode] = 1.0

    mpc_val = np.array(mpc_val)
    return mpc_val
def normalize_phi(phi, return_scaling=True)

Normalize all complex-valued (or real-valued) mode shapes in modal transformation matrix.


phi : double
complex-valued (or real-valued) modal transformation matrix (column-wise stacked mode shapes)
return_scaling : True, optional
whether or not to return scaling as second return variable


phi_n : boolean
modal transformation matrix, with normalized (absolute value of) mode shapes
mode_scaling : float
the corresponding scaling factors used to normalize, i.e., phi_n[:,n] * mode_scaling[n] = phi[n]
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def normalize_phi(phi, return_scaling=True):
    Normalize all complex-valued (or real-valued) mode shapes in modal transformation matrix.

    phi : double
        complex-valued (or real-valued) modal transformation matrix (column-wise stacked mode shapes)
    return_scaling : True, optional
        whether or not to return scaling as second return variable

    phi_n : boolean
        modal transformation matrix, with normalized (absolute value of) mode shapes
    mode_scaling : float 
        the corresponding scaling factors used to normalize, i.e., phi_n[:,n] * mode_scaling[n] = phi[n]

    phi_n = phi*0
    n_modes = np.shape(phi)[1]
    mode_scaling = np.zeros([n_modes])
    for mode in range(0, n_modes):
        mode_scaling[mode] = max(abs(phi[:, mode]))
        sign = np.sign(phi[np.argmax(abs(phi[:, mode])), mode])
        phi_n[:, mode] = phi[:, mode]/mode_scaling[mode]*sign

    if return_scaling:
        return phi_n, mode_scaling
        return phi_n
def normalize_phi_alt(phi, include_dofs=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], n_dofs=6, return_scaling=True)
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def normalize_phi_alt(phi, include_dofs=[0,1,2,3,4,5,6], n_dofs=6, return_scaling=True):
    phi_n = phi*0

    phi_for_scaling = np.vstack([phi[dof::n_dofs, :] for dof in include_dofs])
    mode_scaling = np.max(np.abs(phi_for_scaling), axis=0)
    ix_max = np.argmax(np.abs(phi_for_scaling), axis=0)
    signs = np.sign(phi_for_scaling[ix_max, range(0, len(ix_max))])
    signs[signs==0] = 1
    mode_scaling[mode_scaling==0] = 1

    phi_n = phi/np.tile(mode_scaling[np.newaxis,:]/signs[np.newaxis,:], [phi.shape[0], 1])
    if return_scaling:
        return phi_n, mode_scaling
        return phi_n
def xmacmat(phi1, phi2=None, conjugates=True)

Modal assurance criterion numbers, cross-matrix between two modal transformation matrices (modes stacked as columns).


phi1 : double
reference modes
phi2 : double, optional
modes to compare with, if not given (i.e., equal default value None), phi1 vs phi1 is assumed
conjugates : True, optional
check the complex conjugates of all modes as well (should normally be True)


macs : double
matrix of MAC numbers
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def xmacmat(phi1, phi2=None, conjugates=True):
    Modal assurance criterion numbers, cross-matrix between two modal transformation matrices (modes stacked as columns).

    phi1 : double
        reference modes
    phi2 : double, optional
        modes to compare with, if not given (i.e., equal default value None), phi1 vs phi1 is assumed
    conjugates : True, optional
        check the complex conjugates of all modes as well (should normally be True)

    macs : double
        matrix of MAC numbers
    # If no phi2 is given, assign value of phi1
    if phi2 is None:
        phi2 = 1.0*phi1
    if len(np.shape(phi1))==1:
        phi1 = np.expand_dims(phi1, axis=0).T
    if len(np.shape(phi2))==1:
        phi2 = np.expand_dims(phi2, axis=0).T

    norms = np.real(np.sum(phi1.T * np.conj(phi1.T), axis=1))[:,np.newaxis] @ np.real(np.sum(phi2.T * np.conj(phi2.T),axis=1))[np.newaxis,:]

    if conjugates:
        macs1 = np.divide(abs(, phi2))**2, norms)
        macs2 = np.divide(abs(, phi2.conj()))**2, norms)     
        macs = np.maximum(macs1, macs2)
        macs = np.divide(abs(, phi2.conj()))**2, norms)

    macs = np.real(macs)
    if np.size(macs) == 1:
        macs = macs[0,0]
    return macs
def xmacmat_alt(phi1, phi2=None, conjugates=True)

Alternative implementation. Modal assurance criterion numbers, cross-matrix between two modal transformation matrices (modes stacked as columns).


phi1 : double
reference modes
phi2 : double, optional
modes to compare with, if not given (i.e., equal default value None), phi1 vs phi1 is assumed
conjugates : True, optional
check the complex conjugates of all modes as well (should normally be True)


macs : boolean
matrix of MAC numbers
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def xmacmat_alt(phi1, phi2=None, conjugates=True):
    Alternative implementation. Modal assurance criterion numbers, cross-matrix between two modal transformation matrices (modes stacked as columns).

    phi1 : double
        reference modes
    phi2 : double, optional
        modes to compare with, if not given (i.e., equal default value None), phi1 vs phi1 is assumed
    conjugates : True, optional
        check the complex conjugates of all modes as well (should normally be True)

    macs : boolean
        matrix of MAC numbers

    if phi2 is None:
        phi2 = phi1
    if phi1.ndim==1:
        phi1 = phi1[:, np.newaxis]
    if phi2.ndim==1:
        phi2 = phi2[:, np.newaxis]
    A = np.sum(phi1.T * np.conj(phi1.T), axis=1)[:,np.newaxis]
    B = np.sum(phi2.T * np.conj(phi2.T), axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
    norms = np.abs(A @ B.T)

    if conjugates:
        macs = np.maximum(abs(phi1.T @ phi2)**2/norms, abs(phi1.T @ phi2.conj())**2/norms)     #maximum = element-wise max
        macs = abs(phi1.T @ phi2)**2/norms
    macs = np.real(macs)
    return macs