Module koma.oma
Operational modal analysis module
All functions related to operational modal analysis.
Expand source code
Operational modal analysis module
All functions related to operational modal analysis.
import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import correlate
from scipy.linalg import matrix_balance, cholesky
from .modal import xmacmat_alt, mpc
def freq_svd(cpsd):
TODO: doc
D = cpsd*0
U = cpsd*0
for k in range(cpsd.shape[2]):
U[:,:,k], D[:,:,k], __ = np.linalg.svd(cpsd[:,:,k], compute_uv=True)
return U, D
def is_pos_def(x):
Check if matrix is positive definite.
x : double
matrix to be checked
pos_def : boolean
positive definiteness of matrix
return np.all(np.linalg.eigvals(x) > 0)
def gaxpy_chol(M):
Gaxpy Cholesky decomposition. Required for Cov-SSI.
M : double
matrix to be decomposed
G : double
lower-triangular Cholesky factor of M
Conducts the decomposition:
.. math::
[M] = [G][G]^T
n = len(M)
v = np.zeros([n]).astype('complex')
A = M.astype('complex')
for j in range(0, n):
v[j:n] = A[j:n,j] -[j:n, 0:j], A[j, 0:j].T)
A[j:n,j] = v[j:n]/np.sqrt(v[j])
G = np.tril(A)
return G
def gaxpy_chol_alt(M):
Alternative Gaxpy Cholesky decomposition.
M : double
matrix to be decomposed
G : double
lower-triangular Cholesky factor of M
Conducts the decomposition:
.. math::
[M] = [G][G]^T
n = np.shape(M)[0]
G = np.zeros([n,n])
s = np.zeros([n])
for j in range(0, n):
if j==0:
s[j:n] = M[j:n, j]
s[j:n] = M[j:n, j] -[j:n, 0:j], G[j, 0:j].T)
G[j:n, j] = s[j:n]/np.sqrt(s[j])
return G
def xcorr_lag(data, maxlag):
Computes cross-correlation matrices for multiple time lags based on input data.
data : double
matrix with data, n_samples-by-n_channels (channels are column-wise)
maxlag : int
maximum number of sample lags
R : double
n_channels-by-n_channels-by-n_lags large array, each slice in third dimension
corresponds to the cross-correlation matrix for a given time lag
l = np.shape(data)[1]
nsamples = np.shape(data)[0]
if maxlag>(nsamples-1):
print('Maximum sample lag is larger than total sample length! Reducing to correspond to one below sample length.')
maxlag = nsamples-1
R0 = np.zeros([l, l, maxlag+1])
for dof1 in range(0, l):
for dof2 in range(0, l):
R0[dof1, dof2, :] = correlate(data[:, dof2], data[:,dof1], mode='full', method='auto')[nsamples-1:nsamples+maxlag] #matches MATLAB implementation - verify. dof1, dof2 and [(nsamples+1):(nsamples+1-maxlag):-1] looks more correct.
unbiasing_scaling = (nsamples - np.linspace(0, maxlag, maxlag+1))[np.newaxis,np.newaxis,:]
R = R0/unbiasing_scaling # ensure unbiased estimate
return R
def cva_weights(R, balancing_H0=None, balance=False):
Computes the weights for CVA.
R : double
n_channels-by-n_channels-by-n_lags large array, each slice in third dimension
corresponds to the cross-correlation matrix for a given time lag
balancing_H0 : boolean, optional
balance : boolean, optional
W1 : double
lower triangular Cholesky factor of R+ (see Hermans and van der Auweraer)
W2 : double
lower triangular Cholesky factor of R- (see Hermans and van der Auweraer)
L1 : double
inverse of W1
L2 : double
inverse of W2
Hermans and van Der Auweraer :cite:`Hermans1999`
i = int(np.shape(R)[2]/2)-1
l = np.shape(R)[0]
Rp = np.zeros([i*l, i*l])
Rm = np.zeros([i*l, i*l])
for row in range(0, i):
for col in range(0, i):
# R+
if row<col: #above diagonal
Rp[(row*l):(row*l+l), (col*l):(col*l+l)] = R[:, :, np.abs(row-col)].T
elif row>=col: #below or at diagonal
Rp[(row*l):(row*l+l), (col*l):(col*l+l)] = R[:, :, np.abs(row-col)]
# R-
if row<=col:
Rm[(row*l):(row*l+l), (col*l):(col*l+l)] = R[:, :, np.abs(row-col)]
elif row>col:
Rm[(row*l):(row*l+l), (col*l):(col*l+l)] = R[:, :, np.abs(row-col)].T
if balancing_H0 is not None:
__, T = matrix_balance(balancing_H0)
Rp = np.linalg.inv(T) @ Rp @ T
Rm = np.linalg.inv(T) @ Rm @ T
if balance:
Rp, __ = matrix_balance(Rp)
Rm, __ = matrix_balance(Rm)
L1 = gaxpy_chol(Rp)
L2 = gaxpy_chol(Rm)
W1 = np.linalg.inv(L1)
W2 = np.linalg.inv(L2)
return W1, W2, L1, L2
def stack_hankel(R):
Stacks lag-shifted cross-correlation matrices (stacked along third dimension) into Hankel matrix.
R : double
n_channels-by-n_channels-by-n_lags large array, each slice in third dimension
corresponds to the cross-correlation matrix for a given time lag
H0 : double
block-Hankel matrix
H1 : double
one-lag shifted block-Hankel matrix
Hermans and van Der Auweraer :cite:`Hermans1999`
i = int(np.shape(R)[2]/2)-1
l = np.shape(R)[0]
H0 = np.zeros([l*i, l*i])
H1 = np.zeros([l*i, l*i])
for row in range(0, i): #go through all block rows from 1 to i
for col in range(0, i): #go through all block columns from 1 to i
H0[(row*l):(row*l+l), (col*l):(col*l+l)] = R[:, :, row+col+1] #Hankel matrix, H0
H1[(row*l):(row*l+l), (col*l):(col*l+l)] = R[:, :, row+col+2] #Lag-shifted Hankel matrix, H1
return H0, H1
def stack_toeplitz(R):
Stacks lag-shifted cross-correlation matrices (stacked along third dimension) into Toeplitz matrix.
R : double
n_channels-by-n_channels-by-n_lags large array, each slice in third dimension
corresponds to the cross-correlation matrix for a given time lag
H0 : double
block-Toeplitz matrix
H1 : double
one-lag shifted block-Toeplitz matrix
Rainieri and Fabbrocino :cite:`Rainieri`
i = int(np.shape(R)[2]/2)-1
l = np.shape(R)[0]
H0 = np.zeros([l*i, l*i])
H1 = np.zeros([l*i, l*i])
for row in range(0, i): #go through all block rows from 1 to i
for col in range(0, i): #go through all block columns from 1 to i
H0[(row*l):(row*l+l), (col*l):(col*l+l)] = R[:, :, i+1-col+row] # Toeplitz matrix, H0
H1[(row*l):(row*l+l), (col*l):(col*l+l)] = R[:, :, i+1-col+row+1]
return H0, H1
def covssi(data, fs, i, orders, weighting='none', matrix_type='hankel',
algorithm='shift', showinfo=True, balance=True, return_A=False, discard_conjugates=True, return_flat=True):
Main function for covariance-driven SSI.
data : double
data matrix, with channels stacked column-wise (n_samples-by-n_channels)
fs : double
sampling frequency
i : int
maximum number of block rows
orders : int
array or list of what orders to include
weighting : 'none', optional
what weighting type to use ('none' or 'br', or 'cva')
matrix_type : 'matrix_type', optional
what matrix type formulation to base computation on ('hankel' or 'toeplitz')
algorithm : 'shift', optional
what algorithm to use ('shift' or 'standard' - when using 'standard' the method is equivalent to NExt-ERA)
showinfo : True, optional
whether or not to print information during computation
balance : True, optional
whether or not to conduct balancing to the cross-correlation matrices prior to matrix operations (Cholesky and SVD)
return_A : False, optional
whether or not to output the state matrix (discrete) from the last order evaluated
discard_conjugates : True, optional
whether or not to discard half of the poles as conjugates
return_flat : True, optional
whether or not to return flattened (directly plottable in stabplot)
lambd : double
if `return_flat` is True, `lambd` is an array with complex-valued eigenvalues (one for each pole),
otherwise the variable is a list of arrays with complex-valued eigenvalues (each list entry correspond to one order)
phi : double
if `return_flat` is True, `phi` is a 2d array with complex-valued eigenvectors (stacked as columns), each column corresponds to a pole,
otherwise the variable is a list of 2d arrays with complex-valued eigenvectors (each list entry correspond to one order), each column corresponds to a mode
orders : int
corresponding order for each stable mode - only output if `return_flat` is True
* Hermans and van Der Auweraer :cite:`Hermans1999` (1 in code)
* Van Overschee and de Moor :cite:`VanOverschee1996` (2 in code)
* Rainieri and Fabbrocino :cite:`Rainieri` (3 in code)
* Pridham and Wilson :cite:`Pridham2003` (4 in code)
if not (weighting in ['cva', 'br', 'none']):
raise ValueError('Invalid weighting algorithm requested ("cva", "br", "none" accepted)')
if showinfo:
print('*** Covariance-driven SSI algorithm for OMA ***')
dt = 1.0/fs
l = np.shape(data)[1]
# Establish Toeplitz/Hangel and lag-shifted Toeplitz/Hankel matrix [1]
if showinfo:
print('> Establishing Hankel/Toeplitz matrices')
print(' >> Correlation estimation')
R = xcorr_lag(data, 2*i+1) #including no time lag entry, R_0 = R[:,:,0] - such that R_1-->R_2i+1 & R_0 makes 2i+2 in total
# Matrix stacking
if showinfo:
print(' >> Matrix stacking')
if matrix_type is 'hankel':
H0, H1 = stack_hankel(R)
elif matrix_type is 'toeplitz':
H0, H1 = stack_toeplitz(R)
raise ValueError('Unknown matrix string.')
# Matrix stacking
# Weighting
W1, W2, L1, L2 = [np.eye(i*l)]*4 # Standard values
if showinfo:
print('> Establishing weighting matrices')
print(' >> Weighting requested: %s' % (weighting.upper()))
if weighting is 'cva': # [2] used, [1] results in ill-conditioning issues
if showinfo:
print(' >> Establishing R+ and R-')
W1, W2, L1, L2 = cva_weights(R, balance=balance)
if algorithm is 'standard':
print('Solution algorithm STANDARD is not supported with CVA. Changing to SHIFT algorithm.')
print(' >> CVA failed! Continuing with no weighting (BR). If you want to run with CVA, try adjusting number of block rows.')
if showinfo:
print('> Computing SVD')
U, d, Q = np.linalg.svd(W1 @ H0 @ W2.T)
V = Q.T # comes out transposed from svd function
D = np.diag(d) # make matrix
# Eigenvalue solution
if showinfo:
print('> Computing state matrix for each order to establish modes')
lambd = [None]*len(orders)
phi = [None]*len(orders)
for j in range(0, len(orders)):
o = orders[j]
# Select subset from H0, via the SVD decomposition, based on order
D1 = D[0:o, :][:, 0:o]
sqrtD1 = np.sqrt(D1)
U1 = U[:, 0:o]
V1 = V[:, 0:o]
# State matrix estimate
O = L1 @ U1 @ sqrtD1 #O, observability (T=identity matrix)
C = O[0:l, :] #Pick the l first values
Oup = O[0:-l, :] #Remove the last l rows from O
Odown = O[l:, :] #Remove the first l rows from O
if algorithm is 'standard': #this means NExT-ERA is chosen
A = np.linalg.inv(sqrtD1) @ U1.T @ H1 @ V1 @ np.linalg.inv(sqrtD1) # [4] (and [3])
elif algorithm is 'shift':
A = np.linalg.pinv(Oup) @ Odown # [1]
# Eigenvalue decomposition [1] and convertion from discrete to continuous poles
lambd_d, psi_d = np.linalg.eig(A) #system eigenvectors and eigenvalues
lambd_j = np.log(lambd_d)/dt #make vector from diagonal matrix and transform from discrete to continuous
phi_j = C @ psi_d #observed part of system eigenvectors, referring to input channels
# Sort and order modes
sortix = np.argsort(np.abs(lambd_j)) #find index for unique absolute values
if discard_conjugates:
lambd[j] = lambd_j[sortix[::2]] #keep the corresponding eigenvalues
phi[j] = phi_j[:, sortix[::2]]
lambd[j] = lambd_j[sortix]
phi[j] = phi_j[:, sortix] #and the corresponding eigenvectors
if showinfo:
print('> Computation completed')
if return_A:
return A
if return_flat:
lambd_arr, phi_arr, orders_arr = flatten_stab_results(lambd, phi, orders)
return lambd_arr, phi_arr, orders_arr
return lambd, phi
def flatten_stab_results(lambd, phi, orders):
Flats out nested lambd and phi results.
lambd : double
list of arrays with complex-valued eigenvalues (each list entry correspond to one order)
phi : double
list of 2d arrays with complex-valued eigenvectors (each list entry correspond to one order), each column corresponds to a mode
orders : int
array or list of what orders to include (each entry refers to each list entry in `lambd` and `phi`)
lambd : double
array with complex-valued eigenvalues (one for each pole)
phi : double
2d array with complex-valued eigenvectors (stacked as columns), each column corresponds to a pole,
otherwise the variable is a
orders : int
corresponding order for each stable mode
orders_flat = np.hstack([[orders[ix]]*len(lambdi) for ix,lambdi in enumerate(lambd)])
lambd_flat = np.hstack(lambd)
phi_flat = np.hstack(phi)
return lambd_flat, phi_flat, orders_flat
def find_stable_poles(lambd, phi, orders, s, stabcrit={'freq': 0.05, 'damping': 0.1, 'mac': 0.1},
valid_range={'freq': [0, np.inf], 'damping':[0, np.inf], 'mpc': [0,1]}, indicator='freq',
return_both_conjugates=False, use_legacy=False):
Post-processing of Cov-SSI results, to establish modes (stable poles) from all poles.
lambd : double
array with complex-valued eigenvalues (one for each pole)
phi : double
2d array with complex-valued eigenvectors (stacked as columns), each column corresponds to a pole
orders : int
corresponding order for each stable mode
s : int
stability level, see :cite:`Kvale2017_OMA`
stabcrit : {'freq': 0.05, 'damping':0.1, 'mac': 0.1}, optional
criteria to be fulfilled for pole to be deemed stable
valid_range : {'freq': [0, np.inf], 'damping': [0, np.inf], 'mpc': [0,1]}, optional
valid ranges of frequencies (rad/s) and damping for pole to be deemed stable
indicator : 'freq', optional
what modal indicator to use ('freq' or 'mac')
use_legacy : False, optional
False currently, legacy option will be removed altogether later
lambd_stab : double
array with complex-valued eigenvalues deemed stable
phi_stab : double
2d array with complex-valued eigenvectors (stacked as columns), each column corresponds to a mode
orders_stab : int
corresponding order for each stable mode
idx_stab : int
indices of poles (within its order from the input) given in lambd_stab deemed stable (for indexing post)
Kvåle et al. :cite:`Kvale2017_OMA`
if use_legacy:
return find_stable_poles_legacy(lambd, phi, orders, s, stabcrit={'freq': 0.05, 'damping': 0.1, 'mac': 0.1},
valid_range={'freq': [0, np.inf], 'damping':[0, np.inf]}, indicator='freq',
def get_order(orders, order0, n=0):
ix0 = np.where(np.unique(orders)==order0)[0]
order = np.unique(orders)[ix0+n]
return order
wtol = stabcrit['freq']
xitol = stabcrit['damping']
mactol = stabcrit['mac']
if 'freq' not in valid_range.keys():
valid_range['freq'] = [0, np.inf]
if 'damping' not in valid_range.keys():
valid_range['damping'] = [0, np.inf]
if 'mpc' not in valid_range.keys():
valid_range['mpc'] = [0, 1.0]
mpc_all = mpc(phi)
lambd_stab = []
phi_stab = []
orders_stab = []
idx_stab = []
orders_unique = np.unique(orders)
order_ix = orders == orders[0]
# Establish for all orders above stablevel
for order in orders_unique[s:]:
order_ix = orders == order
omega = np.abs(lambd[order_ix])
xi = -np.real(lambd[order_ix])/np.abs(lambd[order_ix])
phi_this = phi[:, order_ix] # modal transformation matrix for order with index i
# Stable poles
for pole_ix in range(0, len(omega)):
stab = 0
for level in range(1, s+1):
level_order_ix = orders==get_order(orders, order, n=-level)
phi_last = phi[:, level_order_ix]
if indicator is 'mac':
macs = xmacmat_alt(phi_last, phi_this[:, pole_ix], conjugates=True)
pole_ix_last = np.argmax(macs[:,0]) #find largest mac in first column (all in matrix compared with vector)
elif indicator is 'freq':
omega_last = abs(lambd[level_order_ix])
pole_ix_last = np.argmin(abs(omega[pole_ix]-omega_last))
lambd_last = lambd[level_order_ix][pole_ix_last]
mpc_last = mpc_all[level_order_ix][pole_ix_last]
xi_last = -np.real(lambd_last)/abs(lambd_last)
omega_last = abs(lambd_last)
dxi = abs(xi[pole_ix] - xi_last)
dw = abs(omega[pole_ix] - omega_last)
mac = xmacmat_alt(phi_last[:, pole_ix_last], phi_this[:, pole_ix], conjugates=True)
if (((dw/omega_last)<=wtol) and ((dxi/xi_last)<=xitol) and
(mac>=(1-mactol)) and (valid_range['freq'][0]<omega_last<valid_range['freq'][1])
and (valid_range['damping'][0]<xi_last<valid_range['damping'][1]) and
stab += 1
stab = 0
if stab>=s:
phi_stab.append(phi[:,order_ix][:, pole_ix])
phi_stab = np.array(phi_stab).T
lambd_stab = np.array(lambd_stab)
orders_stab = np.array(orders_stab)
idx_stab = np.array(idx_stab)
phi_stab = np.array(phi_stab)
return lambd_stab, phi_stab, orders_stab, idx_stab
def find_stable_poles_legacy(lambd, phi, orders, s, stabcrit={'freq': 0.05, 'damping': 0.1, 'mac': 0.1},
valid_range={'freq': [0, np.inf], 'damping':[0, np.inf]}, indicator='freq',
Post-processing of Cov-SSI results, to establish modes (stable poles) from all poles.
lambd : double
list of arrays with complex-valued eigenvalues, one list entry per order
phi : double
list of 2d arrays with complex-valued eigevectors (stacked column-wise), one list entry per order
orders : int
orders corresponding to the list entries in lambd and phi
s : int
stability level, see :cite:`Kvale2017_OMA`
stabcrit : {'freq': 0.05, 'damping':0.1, 'mac': 0.1}, optional
criteria to be fulfilled for pole to be deemed stable
valid_range : {'freq': [0, np.inf], 'damping':[0, np.inf]}, optional
valid ranges of frequencies (rad/s) and damping for pole to be deemed stable
indicator : 'freq', optional
what modal indicator to use ('freq' or 'mac')
return_both_conjugates : boolean
whether or not to return both conjugates of each pole
lambd_stab : double
array with complex-valued eigenvalues deemed stable
phi_stab : double
2d array with complex-valued eigenvectors (stacked as columns), each column corresponds to a mode
orders_stab : int
corresponding order for each stable mode
idx_stab : int
indices of poles (within its order from the input) given in lambd_stab deemed stable (for indexing post)
Kvåle et al. :cite:`Kvale2017_OMA`
wtol = stabcrit['freq']
xitol = stabcrit['damping']
mactol = stabcrit['mac']
if 'freq' not in valid_range.keys():
valid_range['freq'] = [0, np.inf]
if 'damping' not in valid_range.keys():
valid_range['damping'] = [0, np.inf]
lambd_stab = []
phi_stab = []
orders_stab = []
idx_stab = []
# Establish for all orders above stablevel
for order_ix in range(s-1, len(orders)): # i is order
omega = abs(lambd[order_ix])
xi = -np.real(lambd[order_ix])/abs(lambd[order_ix])
phi_this = phi[order_ix] # modal transformation matrix for order with index i
# Stable poles
for pole_ix in range(0, len(omega)):
stab = 0
for level in range(1, s+1):
phi_last = phi[order_ix-level]
if indicator is 'mac':
macs = xmacmat_alt(phi_last, phi_this[:, pole_ix], conjugates=True)
pole_ix_last = np.argmax(macs[:,0]) #find largest mac in first column (all in matrix compared with vector)
elif indicator is 'freq':
omega_last = abs(lambd[order_ix-level])
pole_ix_last = np.argmin(abs(omega[pole_ix]-omega_last))
lambd_last = lambd[order_ix-level][pole_ix_last]
xi_last = -np.real(lambd_last)/abs(lambd_last)
omega_last = abs(lambd_last)
dxi = abs(xi[pole_ix] - xi_last)
dw = abs(omega[pole_ix] - omega_last)
mac = xmacmat_alt(phi_last[:, pole_ix_last], phi_this[:, pole_ix], conjugates=True)
if ((dw/omega_last)<=wtol) and ((dxi/xi_last)<=xitol) and (mac>=(1-mactol)) and (valid_range['freq'][0]<omega_last<valid_range['freq'][1]) and (valid_range['damping'][0]<xi_last<valid_range['damping'][1]):
stab += 1
stab = 0
if stab>=s:
phi_stab.append(phi[order_ix][:, pole_ix])
phi_stab = np.array(phi_stab).T
lambd_stab = np.array(lambd_stab)
orders_stab = np.array(orders_stab)
idx_stab = np.array(idx_stab)
phi_stab = np.array(phi_stab)
if not return_both_conjugates:
lambd_stab = lambd_stab[::2]
phi_stab = phi_stab[:, ::2]
orders_stab = orders_stab[::2]
idx_stab = idx_stab[::2]
return lambd_stab, phi_stab, orders_stab, idx_stab
def covssi(data, fs, i, orders, weighting='none', matrix_type='hankel', algorithm='shift', showinfo=True, balance=True, return_A=False, discard_conjugates=True, return_flat=True)
Main function for covariance-driven SSI.
- data matrix, with channels stacked column-wise (n_samples-by-n_channels)
- sampling frequency
- maximum number of block rows
- array or list of what orders to include
, optional- what weighting type to use ('none' or 'br', or 'cva')
, optional- what matrix type formulation to base computation on ('hankel' or 'toeplitz')
, optional- what algorithm to use ('shift' or 'standard' - when using 'standard' the method is equivalent to NExt-ERA)
, optional- whether or not to print information during computation
, optional- whether or not to conduct balancing to the cross-correlation matrices prior to matrix operations (Cholesky and SVD)
, optional- whether or not to output the state matrix (discrete) from the last order evaluated
, optional- whether or not to discard half of the poles as conjugates
, optional- whether or not to return flattened (directly plottable in stabplot)
- if
is True,lambd
is an array with complex-valued eigenvalues (one for each pole), otherwise the variable is a list of arrays with complex-valued eigenvalues (each list entry correspond to one order) phi
- if
is True,phi
is a 2d array with complex-valued eigenvectors (stacked as columns), each column corresponds to a pole, otherwise the variable is a list of 2d arrays with complex-valued eigenvectors (each list entry correspond to one order), each column corresponds to a mode orders
- corresponding order for each stable mode - only output if
is True
- Hermans and van Der Auweraer :cite:
(1 in code) - Van Overschee and de Moor :cite:
(2 in code) - Rainieri and Fabbrocino :cite:
(3 in code) - Pridham and Wilson :cite:
(4 in code)
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def covssi(data, fs, i, orders, weighting='none', matrix_type='hankel', algorithm='shift', showinfo=True, balance=True, return_A=False, discard_conjugates=True, return_flat=True): """ Main function for covariance-driven SSI. Arguments --------------------------- data : double data matrix, with channels stacked column-wise (n_samples-by-n_channels) fs : double sampling frequency i : int maximum number of block rows orders : int array or list of what orders to include weighting : 'none', optional what weighting type to use ('none' or 'br', or 'cva') matrix_type : 'matrix_type', optional what matrix type formulation to base computation on ('hankel' or 'toeplitz') algorithm : 'shift', optional what algorithm to use ('shift' or 'standard' - when using 'standard' the method is equivalent to NExt-ERA) showinfo : True, optional whether or not to print information during computation balance : True, optional whether or not to conduct balancing to the cross-correlation matrices prior to matrix operations (Cholesky and SVD) return_A : False, optional whether or not to output the state matrix (discrete) from the last order evaluated discard_conjugates : True, optional whether or not to discard half of the poles as conjugates return_flat : True, optional whether or not to return flattened (directly plottable in stabplot) Returns --------------------------- lambd : double if `return_flat` is True, `lambd` is an array with complex-valued eigenvalues (one for each pole), otherwise the variable is a list of arrays with complex-valued eigenvalues (each list entry correspond to one order) phi : double if `return_flat` is True, `phi` is a 2d array with complex-valued eigenvectors (stacked as columns), each column corresponds to a pole, otherwise the variable is a list of 2d arrays with complex-valued eigenvectors (each list entry correspond to one order), each column corresponds to a mode orders : int corresponding order for each stable mode - only output if `return_flat` is True References -------------------------------- * Hermans and van Der Auweraer :cite:`Hermans1999` (1 in code) * Van Overschee and de Moor :cite:`VanOverschee1996` (2 in code) * Rainieri and Fabbrocino :cite:`Rainieri` (3 in code) * Pridham and Wilson :cite:`Pridham2003` (4 in code) """ if not (weighting in ['cva', 'br', 'none']): raise ValueError('Invalid weighting algorithm requested ("cva", "br", "none" accepted)') if showinfo: print('*** Covariance-driven SSI algorithm for OMA ***') dt = 1.0/fs l = np.shape(data)[1] # Establish Toeplitz/Hangel and lag-shifted Toeplitz/Hankel matrix [1] if showinfo: print('> Establishing Hankel/Toeplitz matrices') print(' >> Correlation estimation') R = xcorr_lag(data, 2*i+1) #including no time lag entry, R_0 = R[:,:,0] - such that R_1-->R_2i+1 & R_0 makes 2i+2 in total # Matrix stacking if showinfo: print(' >> Matrix stacking') if matrix_type is 'hankel': H0, H1 = stack_hankel(R) elif matrix_type is 'toeplitz': H0, H1 = stack_toeplitz(R) else: raise ValueError('Unknown matrix string.') # Matrix stacking # Weighting W1, W2, L1, L2 = [np.eye(i*l)]*4 # Standard values if showinfo: print('> Establishing weighting matrices') print(' >> Weighting requested: %s' % (weighting.upper())) if weighting is 'cva': # [2] used, [1] results in ill-conditioning issues try: if showinfo: print(' >> Establishing R+ and R-') W1, W2, L1, L2 = cva_weights(R, balance=balance) if algorithm is 'standard': print('Solution algorithm STANDARD is not supported with CVA. Changing to SHIFT algorithm.') algorithm='shift' except: print(' >> CVA failed! Continuing with no weighting (BR). If you want to run with CVA, try adjusting number of block rows.') if showinfo: print('> Computing SVD') U, d, Q = np.linalg.svd(W1 @ H0 @ W2.T) V = Q.T # comes out transposed from svd function D = np.diag(d) # make matrix # Eigenvalue solution if showinfo: print('> Computing state matrix for each order to establish modes') lambd = [None]*len(orders) phi = [None]*len(orders) for j in range(0, len(orders)): o = orders[j] # Select subset from H0, via the SVD decomposition, based on order D1 = D[0:o, :][:, 0:o] sqrtD1 = np.sqrt(D1) U1 = U[:, 0:o] V1 = V[:, 0:o] # State matrix estimate O = L1 @ U1 @ sqrtD1 #O, observability (T=identity matrix) C = O[0:l, :] #Pick the l first values Oup = O[0:-l, :] #Remove the last l rows from O Odown = O[l:, :] #Remove the first l rows from O if algorithm is 'standard': #this means NExT-ERA is chosen A = np.linalg.inv(sqrtD1) @ U1.T @ H1 @ V1 @ np.linalg.inv(sqrtD1) # [4] (and [3]) elif algorithm is 'shift': A = np.linalg.pinv(Oup) @ Odown # [1] # Eigenvalue decomposition [1] and convertion from discrete to continuous poles lambd_d, psi_d = np.linalg.eig(A) #system eigenvectors and eigenvalues lambd_j = np.log(lambd_d)/dt #make vector from diagonal matrix and transform from discrete to continuous phi_j = C @ psi_d #observed part of system eigenvectors, referring to input channels # Sort and order modes sortix = np.argsort(np.abs(lambd_j)) #find index for unique absolute values if discard_conjugates: lambd[j] = lambd_j[sortix[::2]] #keep the corresponding eigenvalues phi[j] = phi_j[:, sortix[::2]] else: lambd[j] = lambd_j[sortix] phi[j] = phi_j[:, sortix] #and the corresponding eigenvectors if showinfo: print('> Computation completed') if return_A: return A else: if return_flat: lambd_arr, phi_arr, orders_arr = flatten_stab_results(lambd, phi, orders) return lambd_arr, phi_arr, orders_arr else: return lambd, phi
def cva_weights(R, balancing_H0=None, balance=False)
Computes the weights for CVA.
- n_channels-by-n_channels-by-n_lags large array, each slice in third dimension corresponds to the cross-correlation matrix for a given time lag
, optionalbalance
, optional
- lower triangular Cholesky factor of R+ (see Hermans and van der Auweraer)
- lower triangular Cholesky factor of R- (see Hermans and van der Auweraer)
- inverse of W1
- inverse of W2
Hermans and van Der Auweraer :cite:
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def cva_weights(R, balancing_H0=None, balance=False): """ Computes the weights for CVA. Arguments --------------------------- R : double n_channels-by-n_channels-by-n_lags large array, each slice in third dimension corresponds to the cross-correlation matrix for a given time lag balancing_H0 : boolean, optional balance : boolean, optional Returns --------------------------- W1 : double lower triangular Cholesky factor of R+ (see Hermans and van der Auweraer) W2 : double lower triangular Cholesky factor of R- (see Hermans and van der Auweraer) L1 : double inverse of W1 L2 : double inverse of W2 References -------------------------------- Hermans and van Der Auweraer :cite:`Hermans1999` """ i = int(np.shape(R)[2]/2)-1 l = np.shape(R)[0] Rp = np.zeros([i*l, i*l]) Rm = np.zeros([i*l, i*l]) for row in range(0, i): for col in range(0, i): # R+ if row<col: #above diagonal Rp[(row*l):(row*l+l), (col*l):(col*l+l)] = R[:, :, np.abs(row-col)].T elif row>=col: #below or at diagonal Rp[(row*l):(row*l+l), (col*l):(col*l+l)] = R[:, :, np.abs(row-col)] # R- if row<=col: Rm[(row*l):(row*l+l), (col*l):(col*l+l)] = R[:, :, np.abs(row-col)] elif row>col: Rm[(row*l):(row*l+l), (col*l):(col*l+l)] = R[:, :, np.abs(row-col)].T if balancing_H0 is not None: __, T = matrix_balance(balancing_H0) Rp = np.linalg.inv(T) @ Rp @ T Rm = np.linalg.inv(T) @ Rm @ T if balance: Rp, __ = matrix_balance(Rp) Rm, __ = matrix_balance(Rm) L1 = gaxpy_chol(Rp) L2 = gaxpy_chol(Rm) W1 = np.linalg.inv(L1) W2 = np.linalg.inv(L2) return W1, W2, L1, L2
def find_stable_poles(lambd, phi, orders, s, stabcrit={'freq': 0.05, 'damping': 0.1, 'mac': 0.1}, valid_range={'freq': [0, inf], 'damping': [0, inf], 'mpc': [0, 1]}, indicator='freq', return_both_conjugates=False, use_legacy=False)
Post-processing of Cov-SSI results, to establish modes (stable poles) from all poles.
- array with complex-valued eigenvalues (one for each pole)
- 2d array with complex-valued eigenvectors (stacked as columns), each column corresponds to a pole
- corresponding order for each stable mode
- stability level, see :cite:
:{'freq': 0.05, 'damping':0.1, 'mac': 0.1}
, optional- criteria to be fulfilled for pole to be deemed stable
:{'freq': [0, np.inf], 'damping': [0, np.inf], 'mpc': [0,1]}
, optional- valid ranges of frequencies (rad/s) and damping for pole to be deemed stable
, optional- what modal indicator to use ('freq' or 'mac')
, optional- False currently, legacy option will be removed altogether later
- array with complex-valued eigenvalues deemed stable
- 2d array with complex-valued eigenvectors (stacked as columns), each column corresponds to a mode
- corresponding order for each stable mode
- indices of poles (within its order from the input) given in lambd_stab deemed stable (for indexing post)
Kvåle et al. :cite:
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def find_stable_poles(lambd, phi, orders, s, stabcrit={'freq': 0.05, 'damping': 0.1, 'mac': 0.1}, valid_range={'freq': [0, np.inf], 'damping':[0, np.inf], 'mpc': [0,1]}, indicator='freq', return_both_conjugates=False, use_legacy=False): """ Post-processing of Cov-SSI results, to establish modes (stable poles) from all poles. Arguments --------------------------- lambd : double array with complex-valued eigenvalues (one for each pole) phi : double 2d array with complex-valued eigenvectors (stacked as columns), each column corresponds to a pole orders : int corresponding order for each stable mode s : int stability level, see :cite:`Kvale2017_OMA` stabcrit : {'freq': 0.05, 'damping':0.1, 'mac': 0.1}, optional criteria to be fulfilled for pole to be deemed stable valid_range : {'freq': [0, np.inf], 'damping': [0, np.inf], 'mpc': [0,1]}, optional valid ranges of frequencies (rad/s) and damping for pole to be deemed stable indicator : 'freq', optional what modal indicator to use ('freq' or 'mac') use_legacy : False, optional False currently, legacy option will be removed altogether later Returns --------------------------- lambd_stab : double array with complex-valued eigenvalues deemed stable phi_stab : double 2d array with complex-valued eigenvectors (stacked as columns), each column corresponds to a mode orders_stab : int corresponding order for each stable mode idx_stab : int indices of poles (within its order from the input) given in lambd_stab deemed stable (for indexing post) References -------------------------------- Kvåle et al. :cite:`Kvale2017_OMA` """ if use_legacy: return find_stable_poles_legacy(lambd, phi, orders, s, stabcrit={'freq': 0.05, 'damping': 0.1, 'mac': 0.1}, valid_range={'freq': [0, np.inf], 'damping':[0, np.inf]}, indicator='freq', return_both_conjugates=False) def get_order(orders, order0, n=0): ix0 = np.where(np.unique(orders)==order0)[0] order = np.unique(orders)[ix0+n] return order wtol = stabcrit['freq'] xitol = stabcrit['damping'] mactol = stabcrit['mac'] if 'freq' not in valid_range.keys(): valid_range['freq'] = [0, np.inf] if 'damping' not in valid_range.keys(): valid_range['damping'] = [0, np.inf] if 'mpc' not in valid_range.keys(): valid_range['mpc'] = [0, 1.0] mpc_all = mpc(phi) lambd_stab = [] phi_stab = [] orders_stab = [] idx_stab = [] orders_unique = np.unique(orders) order_ix = orders == orders[0] # Establish for all orders above stablevel for order in orders_unique[s:]: order_ix = orders == order omega = np.abs(lambd[order_ix]) xi = -np.real(lambd[order_ix])/np.abs(lambd[order_ix]) phi_this = phi[:, order_ix] # modal transformation matrix for order with index i # Stable poles for pole_ix in range(0, len(omega)): stab = 0 for level in range(1, s+1): level_order_ix = orders==get_order(orders, order, n=-level) phi_last = phi[:, level_order_ix] if indicator is 'mac': macs = xmacmat_alt(phi_last, phi_this[:, pole_ix], conjugates=True) pole_ix_last = np.argmax(macs[:,0]) #find largest mac in first column (all in matrix compared with vector) elif indicator is 'freq': omega_last = abs(lambd[level_order_ix]) pole_ix_last = np.argmin(abs(omega[pole_ix]-omega_last)) lambd_last = lambd[level_order_ix][pole_ix_last] mpc_last = mpc_all[level_order_ix][pole_ix_last] xi_last = -np.real(lambd_last)/abs(lambd_last) omega_last = abs(lambd_last) dxi = abs(xi[pole_ix] - xi_last) dw = abs(omega[pole_ix] - omega_last) mac = xmacmat_alt(phi_last[:, pole_ix_last], phi_this[:, pole_ix], conjugates=True) if (((dw/omega_last)<=wtol) and ((dxi/xi_last)<=xitol) and (mac>=(1-mactol)) and (valid_range['freq'][0]<omega_last<valid_range['freq'][1]) and (valid_range['damping'][0]<xi_last<valid_range['damping'][1]) and (valid_range['mpc'][0]<mpc_last<valid_range['mpc'][1])): stab += 1 else: stab = 0 break if stab>=s: lambd_stab.append(lambd[order_ix][pole_ix]) phi_stab.append(phi[:,order_ix][:, pole_ix]) orders_stab.append(orders[order_ix][pole_ix]) idx_stab.append(pole_ix) phi_stab = np.array(phi_stab).T lambd_stab = np.array(lambd_stab) orders_stab = np.array(orders_stab) idx_stab = np.array(idx_stab) phi_stab = np.array(phi_stab) return lambd_stab, phi_stab, orders_stab, idx_stab
def find_stable_poles_legacy(lambd, phi, orders, s, stabcrit={'freq': 0.05, 'damping': 0.1, 'mac': 0.1}, valid_range={'freq': [0, inf], 'damping': [0, inf]}, indicator='freq', return_both_conjugates=False)
Post-processing of Cov-SSI results, to establish modes (stable poles) from all poles.
- list of arrays with complex-valued eigenvalues, one list entry per order
- list of 2d arrays with complex-valued eigevectors (stacked column-wise), one list entry per order
- orders corresponding to the list entries in lambd and phi
- stability level, see :cite:
:{'freq': 0.05, 'damping':0.1, 'mac': 0.1}
, optional- criteria to be fulfilled for pole to be deemed stable
:{'freq': [0, np.inf], 'damping':[0, np.inf]}
, optional- valid ranges of frequencies (rad/s) and damping for pole to be deemed stable
, optional- what modal indicator to use ('freq' or 'mac')
- whether or not to return both conjugates of each pole
- array with complex-valued eigenvalues deemed stable
- 2d array with complex-valued eigenvectors (stacked as columns), each column corresponds to a mode
- corresponding order for each stable mode
- indices of poles (within its order from the input) given in lambd_stab deemed stable (for indexing post)
Kvåle et al. :cite:
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def find_stable_poles_legacy(lambd, phi, orders, s, stabcrit={'freq': 0.05, 'damping': 0.1, 'mac': 0.1}, valid_range={'freq': [0, np.inf], 'damping':[0, np.inf]}, indicator='freq', return_both_conjugates=False): """ Post-processing of Cov-SSI results, to establish modes (stable poles) from all poles. Arguments --------------------------- lambd : double list of arrays with complex-valued eigenvalues, one list entry per order phi : double list of 2d arrays with complex-valued eigevectors (stacked column-wise), one list entry per order orders : int orders corresponding to the list entries in lambd and phi s : int stability level, see :cite:`Kvale2017_OMA` stabcrit : {'freq': 0.05, 'damping':0.1, 'mac': 0.1}, optional criteria to be fulfilled for pole to be deemed stable valid_range : {'freq': [0, np.inf], 'damping':[0, np.inf]}, optional valid ranges of frequencies (rad/s) and damping for pole to be deemed stable indicator : 'freq', optional what modal indicator to use ('freq' or 'mac') return_both_conjugates : boolean whether or not to return both conjugates of each pole Returns --------------------------- lambd_stab : double array with complex-valued eigenvalues deemed stable phi_stab : double 2d array with complex-valued eigenvectors (stacked as columns), each column corresponds to a mode orders_stab : int corresponding order for each stable mode idx_stab : int indices of poles (within its order from the input) given in lambd_stab deemed stable (for indexing post) References -------------------------------- Kvåle et al. :cite:`Kvale2017_OMA` """ wtol = stabcrit['freq'] xitol = stabcrit['damping'] mactol = stabcrit['mac'] if 'freq' not in valid_range.keys(): valid_range['freq'] = [0, np.inf] if 'damping' not in valid_range.keys(): valid_range['damping'] = [0, np.inf] lambd_stab = [] phi_stab = [] orders_stab = [] idx_stab = [] # Establish for all orders above stablevel for order_ix in range(s-1, len(orders)): # i is order omega = abs(lambd[order_ix]) xi = -np.real(lambd[order_ix])/abs(lambd[order_ix]) phi_this = phi[order_ix] # modal transformation matrix for order with index i # Stable poles for pole_ix in range(0, len(omega)): stab = 0 for level in range(1, s+1): phi_last = phi[order_ix-level] if indicator is 'mac': macs = xmacmat_alt(phi_last, phi_this[:, pole_ix], conjugates=True) pole_ix_last = np.argmax(macs[:,0]) #find largest mac in first column (all in matrix compared with vector) elif indicator is 'freq': omega_last = abs(lambd[order_ix-level]) pole_ix_last = np.argmin(abs(omega[pole_ix]-omega_last)) lambd_last = lambd[order_ix-level][pole_ix_last] xi_last = -np.real(lambd_last)/abs(lambd_last) omega_last = abs(lambd_last) dxi = abs(xi[pole_ix] - xi_last) dw = abs(omega[pole_ix] - omega_last) mac = xmacmat_alt(phi_last[:, pole_ix_last], phi_this[:, pole_ix], conjugates=True) if ((dw/omega_last)<=wtol) and ((dxi/xi_last)<=xitol) and (mac>=(1-mactol)) and (valid_range['freq'][0]<omega_last<valid_range['freq'][1]) and (valid_range['damping'][0]<xi_last<valid_range['damping'][1]): stab += 1 else: stab = 0 break if stab>=s: lambd_stab.append(lambd[order_ix][pole_ix]) phi_stab.append(phi[order_ix][:, pole_ix]) orders_stab.append(orders[order_ix]) idx_stab.append(pole_ix) phi_stab = np.array(phi_stab).T lambd_stab = np.array(lambd_stab) orders_stab = np.array(orders_stab) idx_stab = np.array(idx_stab) phi_stab = np.array(phi_stab) if not return_both_conjugates: lambd_stab = lambd_stab[::2] phi_stab = phi_stab[:, ::2] orders_stab = orders_stab[::2] idx_stab = idx_stab[::2] return lambd_stab, phi_stab, orders_stab, idx_stab
def flatten_stab_results(lambd, phi, orders)
Flats out nested lambd and phi results.
- list of arrays with complex-valued eigenvalues (each list entry correspond to one order)
- list of 2d arrays with complex-valued eigenvectors (each list entry correspond to one order), each column corresponds to a mode
- array or list of what orders to include (each entry refers to each list entry in
- array with complex-valued eigenvalues (one for each pole)
- 2d array with complex-valued eigenvectors (stacked as columns), each column corresponds to a pole, otherwise the variable is a
- corresponding order for each stable mode
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def flatten_stab_results(lambd, phi, orders): """ Flats out nested lambd and phi results. Arguments ----------------------- lambd : double list of arrays with complex-valued eigenvalues (each list entry correspond to one order) phi : double list of 2d arrays with complex-valued eigenvectors (each list entry correspond to one order), each column corresponds to a mode orders : int array or list of what orders to include (each entry refers to each list entry in `lambd` and `phi`) Returns ----------------------- lambd : double array with complex-valued eigenvalues (one for each pole) phi : double 2d array with complex-valued eigenvectors (stacked as columns), each column corresponds to a pole, otherwise the variable is a orders : int corresponding order for each stable mode """ orders_flat = np.hstack([[orders[ix]]*len(lambdi) for ix,lambdi in enumerate(lambd)]) lambd_flat = np.hstack(lambd) phi_flat = np.hstack(phi) return lambd_flat, phi_flat, orders_flat
def freq_svd(cpsd)
TODO: doc
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def freq_svd(cpsd): """ TODO: doc """ D = cpsd*0 U = cpsd*0 for k in range(cpsd.shape[2]): U[:,:,k], D[:,:,k], __ = np.linalg.svd(cpsd[:,:,k], compute_uv=True) return U, D
def gaxpy_chol(M)
Gaxpy Cholesky decomposition. Required for Cov-SSI.
- matrix to be decomposed
- lower-triangular Cholesky factor of M
Conducts the decomposition:
[ [M] = [G][G]^T ]
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def gaxpy_chol(M): """ Gaxpy Cholesky decomposition. Required for Cov-SSI. Arguments --------------------------- M : double matrix to be decomposed Returns --------------------------- G : double lower-triangular Cholesky factor of M Notes --------------------------- Conducts the decomposition: .. math:: [M] = [G][G]^T """ n = len(M) v = np.zeros([n]).astype('complex') A = M.astype('complex') for j in range(0, n): v[j:n] = A[j:n,j] -[j:n, 0:j], A[j, 0:j].T) A[j:n,j] = v[j:n]/np.sqrt(v[j]) G = np.tril(A) return G
def gaxpy_chol_alt(M)
Alternative Gaxpy Cholesky decomposition.
- matrix to be decomposed
- lower-triangular Cholesky factor of M
Conducts the decomposition:
[ [M] = [G][G]^T ]
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def gaxpy_chol_alt(M): """ Alternative Gaxpy Cholesky decomposition. Arguments --------------------------- M : double matrix to be decomposed Returns --------------------------- G : double lower-triangular Cholesky factor of M Notes --------------------------- Conducts the decomposition: .. math:: [M] = [G][G]^T """ n = np.shape(M)[0] G = np.zeros([n,n]) s = np.zeros([n]) for j in range(0, n): if j==0: s[j:n] = M[j:n, j] else: s[j:n] = M[j:n, j] -[j:n, 0:j], G[j, 0:j].T) G[j:n, j] = s[j:n]/np.sqrt(s[j]) return G
def is_pos_def(x)
Check if matrix is positive definite.
- matrix to be checked
- positive definiteness of matrix
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def is_pos_def(x): """ Check if matrix is positive definite. Arguments --------------------------- x : double matrix to be checked Returns --------------------------- pos_def : boolean positive definiteness of matrix """ return np.all(np.linalg.eigvals(x) > 0)
def stack_hankel(R)
Stacks lag-shifted cross-correlation matrices (stacked along third dimension) into Hankel matrix.
- n_channels-by-n_channels-by-n_lags large array, each slice in third dimension corresponds to the cross-correlation matrix for a given time lag
- block-Hankel matrix
- one-lag shifted block-Hankel matrix
Hermans and van Der Auweraer :cite:
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def stack_hankel(R): """ Stacks lag-shifted cross-correlation matrices (stacked along third dimension) into Hankel matrix. Arguments --------------------------- R : double n_channels-by-n_channels-by-n_lags large array, each slice in third dimension corresponds to the cross-correlation matrix for a given time lag Returns --------------------------- H0 : double block-Hankel matrix H1 : double one-lag shifted block-Hankel matrix References -------------------------------- Hermans and van Der Auweraer :cite:`Hermans1999` """ i = int(np.shape(R)[2]/2)-1 l = np.shape(R)[0] H0 = np.zeros([l*i, l*i]) H1 = np.zeros([l*i, l*i]) for row in range(0, i): #go through all block rows from 1 to i for col in range(0, i): #go through all block columns from 1 to i H0[(row*l):(row*l+l), (col*l):(col*l+l)] = R[:, :, row+col+1] #Hankel matrix, H0 H1[(row*l):(row*l+l), (col*l):(col*l+l)] = R[:, :, row+col+2] #Lag-shifted Hankel matrix, H1 return H0, H1
def stack_toeplitz(R)
Stacks lag-shifted cross-correlation matrices (stacked along third dimension) into Toeplitz matrix.
- n_channels-by-n_channels-by-n_lags large array, each slice in third dimension corresponds to the cross-correlation matrix for a given time lag
- block-Toeplitz matrix
- one-lag shifted block-Toeplitz matrix
Rainieri and Fabbrocino :cite:
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def stack_toeplitz(R): """ Stacks lag-shifted cross-correlation matrices (stacked along third dimension) into Toeplitz matrix. Arguments --------------------------- R : double n_channels-by-n_channels-by-n_lags large array, each slice in third dimension corresponds to the cross-correlation matrix for a given time lag Returns --------------------------- H0 : double block-Toeplitz matrix H1 : double one-lag shifted block-Toeplitz matrix References -------------------------------- Rainieri and Fabbrocino :cite:`Rainieri` """ i = int(np.shape(R)[2]/2)-1 l = np.shape(R)[0] H0 = np.zeros([l*i, l*i]) H1 = np.zeros([l*i, l*i]) for row in range(0, i): #go through all block rows from 1 to i for col in range(0, i): #go through all block columns from 1 to i H0[(row*l):(row*l+l), (col*l):(col*l+l)] = R[:, :, i+1-col+row] # Toeplitz matrix, H0 H1[(row*l):(row*l+l), (col*l):(col*l+l)] = R[:, :, i+1-col+row+1] return H0, H1
def xcorr_lag(data, maxlag)
Computes cross-correlation matrices for multiple time lags based on input data.
- matrix with data, n_samples-by-n_channels (channels are column-wise)
- maximum number of sample lags
- n_channels-by-n_channels-by-n_lags large array, each slice in third dimension corresponds to the cross-correlation matrix for a given time lag
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def xcorr_lag(data, maxlag): """ Computes cross-correlation matrices for multiple time lags based on input data. Arguments --------------------------- data : double matrix with data, n_samples-by-n_channels (channels are column-wise) maxlag : int maximum number of sample lags Returns --------------------------- R : double n_channels-by-n_channels-by-n_lags large array, each slice in third dimension corresponds to the cross-correlation matrix for a given time lag """ l = np.shape(data)[1] nsamples = np.shape(data)[0] if maxlag>(nsamples-1): print('Maximum sample lag is larger than total sample length! Reducing to correspond to one below sample length.') maxlag = nsamples-1 R0 = np.zeros([l, l, maxlag+1]) for dof1 in range(0, l): for dof2 in range(0, l): R0[dof1, dof2, :] = correlate(data[:, dof2], data[:,dof1], mode='full', method='auto')[nsamples-1:nsamples+maxlag] #matches MATLAB implementation - verify. dof1, dof2 and [(nsamples+1):(nsamples+1-maxlag):-1] looks more correct. unbiasing_scaling = (nsamples - np.linspace(0, maxlag, maxlag+1))[np.newaxis,np.newaxis,:] R = R0/unbiasing_scaling # ensure unbiased estimate return R