Module koma.plot
Visualization module
All functions related to the plotting of results from OMA methods.
Expand source code
Visualization module
All functions related to the plotting of results from OMA methods.
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import colors as mcolors
from matplotlib.backend_bases import MouseButton
from matplotlib import cm
import warnings
from .modal import mpc
from matplotlib.offsetbox import AnnotationBbox, TextArea
class Selector:
def __init__(self, ax, active_settings={}, deactive_settings={}, templine_settings={}, picked_settings={}): = ax
self.fig = ax.get_figure()
self.lines = list(ax.lines)
self.picked = []
self.picked_lines = []
self.index = 0
self.templine_settings = dict(ls='-', lw=0.5) | templine_settings
if len(self.lines)>0:
self.x = self.lines[0].get_xdata()
self.active_settings = {'linewidth': 2.0, 'alpha':1.0} | active_settings
self.deactive_settings = {'linewidth': 1.0, 'alpha': 0.5} | deactive_settings
self.picked_settings = dict(ls='--', lw=1) | picked_settings
def n_lines(self):
return len(self.lines)
def current_line(self):
return self.lines[self.index]
def on_click(self, event):
if event.inaxes and event.button is MouseButton.LEFT and self.fig.canvas.manager.toolbar.mode.value == '':
color = self.current_line.get_color()
ix_sel = np.argmin(np.abs(event.xdata - self.x))
self.picked.append([self.index, ix_sel, self.x[ix_sel]])
self.picked_lines.append([ix_sel], color=color, **self.picked_settings))
elif event.inaxes and event.button is MouseButton.RIGHT:
ix_sel = np.argmin(np.abs(event.xdata - self.x))
picked_mat = np.vstack(self.picked)
valid_x_ix = np.where((picked_mat[:,0] == self.index))[0]
if len(valid_x_ix)>0:
row_ix = np.argmin(np.abs(ix_sel-picked_mat[valid_x_ix, 1]))
ix_remove = valid_x_ix[row_ix]
def on_scroll(self, event):
increment = 1 if event.button == 'up' else -1
self.index = np.clip(self.index + increment, 0, self.n_lines-1)
self.x = self.lines[self.index].get_xdata()
def update(self):
for ix,line in enumerate(self.lines):
if ix==self.index:
def on_close(self, event):
def on_keyboard(self, event):
if event.key == 'enter':
self.title_format = 'ix = {index}'
# Prepare for printing
for ix,line in enumerate(self.lines):
def on_move(self, event):
if event.inaxes:
ix_sel = np.argmin(np.abs(event.xdata-self.x))
def get_fig(self, show=True, block=True):
Get an interactive figure.
show : bool, default=True
whether or not to automatically show figure
block : bool, default=True
whether or not to block before returning to retain interactivity
fig : `matplotlib.Figure` object
figure object
self.templine =, **self.templine_settings)
self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('scroll_event', self.on_scroll)
self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.on_click)
self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self.on_move)
self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', self.on_keyboard)
self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('close_event', self.on_close)
if block:
self.title_format = 'ix = {index} (Press enter when selection is done)'
if show:
if block:
return self.fig
def all_picked_x(self):
return np.array([p[2] for p in self.picked])
def picked_x(self):
pmat = np.vstack(self.picked)
x = [None]*self.n_lines
for ix in range(self.n_lines):
okix = pmat[:,0] == ix
x[ix] = pmat[okix, 2]
return x
def picked_ix(self):
pmat = np.vstack(self.picked)
x_ix = [None]*self.n_lines
for ix in range(self.n_lines):
okix = pmat[:,0] == ix
x_ix[ix] = pmat[okix, 1].astype(int)
return x_ix
def picked_line_ix(self):
return np.array([p[0] for p in self.picked])
def all_picked_ix(self):
return np.array([p[1] for p in self.picked])
class StabPlotter:
Class to initialize interactive stabilization plot.
Assuming we have a data matrix `data` sampled at `fs=128.0`. The data is first processed
using the covssi (can also be filtered using the `find_stable_poles` function):
fs = 128.0
i = 30
orders_input = np.arange(2, 100, 2)
lambd, phi, orders = koma.oma.covssi(data, fs, i, orders_input)
The stabilization plot is generated like this:
stab_plotter = koma.plot.StabPlotter(lambd, orders, phi=phi, freq_unit='hz', damped_freq=False, annotate_hover=True)
fig = stab_plotter.get_fig()
The following code extracts the data from the plotter object as variables:
phi_sel, fn_sel, xi_sel = stab_plotter.phi, stab_plotter.fn, stab_plotter.xi
def __init__(self, lambd, orders, phi=None, freq_unit='rad/s',
damped_freq=False, psd_freq=None, psd_y=None, log_psd_scale=True,
pole_settings=None, selected_pole_settings=None, hover_pole_settings=None, ax=None, num=None,
sort_by='undamped', annotate_hover=False, psd_color='gray'):
lambd : double
array with complex-valued eigenvalues
orders : int
corresponding order for each pole in `lambd`
phi : double, optional
matrix where each column is complex-valued eigenvector corresponding to lambd
freq_unit : str, default='rad/s'
what frequency unit to use; 'Hz' or 'rad/s'
damped_freq : False, optional
whether or not to use damped frequency (or period) values in plot (False enforces undamped freqs)
psd_freq : double, optional
frequency values of plot to overlay, typically spectrum of data
psd_y : double, optional
function values of plot to overlay, typically spectrum of data
log_psd_scale: boolean, default=True
whether or not to plot the overlaid PSD using a logarithmic y-scale
pole_settings : dict
dictionary with settings to pass to the plot settings of the poles
selected_pole_settings : dict
dictionary with settings to pass to the plot settings of the selected poles
hover_pole_settings : dict
dictionary with settings to pass to the plot settings of the pole currently
being hovered
ax : `matplotlib.Axis` object
axis to place plot in; if not given, a new axis in the figure specified
will be created
num : int, optional
figure number used; only used if `ax` = None
sort_by : str, default='undamped'
what quantity to sort output by; either 'undamped', 'damped' or None
psd_color : str, default='gray'
color to use for PSD plot overlayed
fig : obj
plotly figure object
if pole_settings is None: pole_settings = {}
if selected_pole_settings is None: selected_pole_settings = {}
if hover_pole_settings is None: hover_pole_settings = {}
self._lambd = lambd
self._orders = orders
self._phi = phi
self.sort_by = sort_by
self.damped_freq = damped_freq
# Make list
if psd_y is not None and not isinstance(psd_y, list):
psd_y = [psd_y]
psd_freq = [psd_freq]
self.psd_color = psd_color
self.psd_freq = psd_freq
self.psd_y = psd_y
self.log_psd_scale = log_psd_scale
self.pole_settings = dict(linestyle='none', marker='.', color='k') | pole_settings
self.selected_pole_settings = dict(linestyle='none', marker='o', color='r') | selected_pole_settings
self.hover_pole_settings = dict(linestyle='none', marker='o', color='r', alpha=0.3) | hover_pole_settings
self.annotate_hover = annotate_hover
self._picked = []
self._hoverpos = [np.nan, np.nan]
self._hoverix = None
self._hoverdot = None
self._annotation = None
self.picked_dots = []
if damped_freq:
dampedornot = 'd'
self._f = np.abs(np.imag(lambd))
dampedornot = 'n'
self._f = np.abs(lambd)
if freq_unit.lower() == 'hz':
self._f = self._f/2/np.pi
self.freq_name = fr'$f_{dampedornot}$'
self.freq_unit = 'Hz'
self.freq_name = fr'$\omega_{dampedornot}$'
self.freq_unit = 'rad/s'
if ax is None:
self.fig, = plt.subplots(num=num, figsize=(18,7))
else: = ax
self.fig = plt.gcf()
def hoverpos(self):
return self._hoverpos
def hoverpos(self, ix):
self._hoverix = ix
if self._hoverix is None:
x = np.nan
y = np.nan
text = ''
x = self._f[ix]
y = self._orders[ix]
text = (f'ix = {self._hoverix}\n' +
f'n = {self._orders[ix]}\n' +
fr'{self.freq_name} = {self._hoverpos[0]:.2f} {self.freq_unit}' + '\n' +
fr'$\xi$ = {self.get_xi(ix)*100:.2f}%')
if self._phi is not None:
this_mpc = mpc(self._phi[:,ix:ix+1])[0]
text = text + f'\nMPC={this_mpc*100:.1f}%'
self._hoverpos = x,y
if self.annotate_hover:
self._annotation.xy = self._hoverpos
def picked(self): #sorted picked
if self.sort_by is None:
ix = None
elif self.sort_by == 'undamped':
ix = np.argsort(np.abs(self._lambd[self._picked]))
elif self.sort_by == 'damped':
ix = np.argsort(np.abs(np.imag(self._lambd[self._picked])))
return np.array(self._picked)[ix]
def ix(self): #alias
return self.picked
# Picked orders
def n_picked(self):
if len(self.picked)>0:
return self._orders[self.picked]
return np.empty([0])
# Eigenvalues and eigenvectors
def lambd(self):
if len(self.picked)>0:
return self._lambd[self.picked]
return np.empty([0])
def phi(self):
if len(self.picked)>0:
return self._phi[:, self.picked]
return np.empty([0])
# Damped natural freqs
def wd(self):
return np.abs(np.imag(self.lambd))
def omegad(self):
return self.wd
def fd(self):
return self.wd/2/np.pi
# Undamped natural freqs
def wn(self):
return np.abs(self.lambd)
def omegan(self):
return self.wn
def fn(self):
return self.wn/2/np.pi
# Damping
def xi(self):
return -np.real(self.lambd)/np.abs(self.lambd)
def get_xi(self, ix=None):
xi = -np.real(self._lambd[ix])/np.abs(self._lambd[ix])
return xi
def get_df(self, pars=['ix', 'n_picked', 'wn', 'xi']):
Get pandas dataframe with results.
df = pd.DataFrame(data=np.vstack([getattr(self, par) for par in pars]).T,
if 'n_picked' in df:
df['n_picked'] = df['n_picked'].astype(int)
if 'picked' in df:
df['picked'] = df['picked'].astype(int)
if 'ix' in df:
df['ix'] = df['ix'].astype(int)
return df
def get_ix(self, event):
dist = (event.xdata - self._f)**2 + (event.ydata-self._orders)**2
ix_sel = np.argmin(dist)
return ix_sel
def get_fig(self, show=True, block=True):
if self.psd_y is not None:
ax2 =
for ix, (psd, fi) in enumerate(zip(self.psd_y, self.psd_freq)):
ax2.plot(fi, psd, self.psd_color)
if self.log_psd_scale:
ax2.set_yscale('log'), self._orders, **self.pole_settings)'{self.freq_name} [{self.freq_unit}]')'Order, $n$')
self._hoverdot =[np.nan], [np.nan], **self.hover_pole_settings)[0]
if self.annotate_hover:
offsetbox = TextArea('')
self._annotation = AnnotationBbox(offsetbox, [np.nan, np.nan],
xybox=(80, 0),
boxcoords="offset points",
pad=0.3, bboxprops=dict(alpha=0.85))
if self.psd_y is not None: + 1)
self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.on_click)
self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self.on_move)
self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', self.on_keyboard)
self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('close_event', self.on_close)
if block:
self.title_format = '(Press enter when selection is done)'
if show:
if block:
return self.fig
# Interaction methods
def on_click(self, event):
if event.inaxes:
ix_sel = self.get_ix(event)
if (event.button is MouseButton.LEFT and self.fig.canvas.manager.toolbar.mode.value == ''):
self.picked_dots.append([ix_sel], self._orders[ix_sel],
elif event.button is MouseButton.RIGHT:
if ix_sel in self._picked:
ix_remove = self._picked.index(ix_sel)
def on_close(self, event):
def on_keyboard(self, event):
if event.key == 'enter':
# Prepare for printing
self.hoverpos = None
def on_move(self, event):
if event.inaxes:
ix_hover = self.get_ix(event)
self.hoverpos = ix_hover
def update(self):
class FDDPlotter:
Class to initiate interactive peak picking plot for FDD (or directly on CPSD).
Assuming we have a data matrix `data` sampled at `fs=128.0`.
First, we import the necessary functions and classes:
from koma.signal import xwelch
from koma.oma import freq_svd
from koma.plot import FDDPlotter
Then, we need to create a CPSD matrix:
f, cpsd = xwelch(data, fs=fs, nfft=2048, nperseg=1024)
This is thereafter decomposed and used as input to create the FDDPlotter object:
U, D = koma.oma.freq_svd(cpsd)
fdd_plotter = koma.plot.FDDPlotter(D, U=U, f=f, lines=[0, 1], num=1)
Finally, we get the figure:
fig = fdd_plotter.get_fig()
Scroll with the mouse to change the active line, click right mouse button to
remove point and left mouse button to add point.
def __init__(self, D, U=None, f=None, lines=None, colors=None, ax=None,
num=None, active_settings={}, deactive_settings={}, picked_settings={},
vline_settings= {}, normalize=False, logaritmic=False, label_str='Singular line'):
D : float
numpy array of dimensions N_dofs x N_dofs x N_freq; can either be diagonal
(3d) array from FDD (i.e., SVD) or the CPSD matrix (frequencies along last
U : float, optional
if FDD is used as a prior step, this is the U matrix defining the orthogonal
vectors for varying frequencies
f : float, optional
frequency axis corresponding to D (and U); if not given indices are used
lines : int, optional
list of integers corresponding to the indices of D; these define which
diagonal terms to plot; if not defined, all components/lines are plotted
colors : list, optional
list of strings or rgb tuples to use for the different line plots;
if not given, default color order is applied
ax : `matplotlib.Axis` object
axis to place plot in; if not given, a new axis in the figure specified
will be created
num : int, optional
figure number used; only used if `ax` = None
active_settings : dict
dictionary with settings to use for lines that are active
deactive_settings : dict
dictionary with settings to use for lines that are inactive
picked_settings : dict
dictionary with settings to use for picked dot
vline_settings : dict
dictionary with settings to use for vertical line
normalize : bool, default=False
whether or not to normalize each line to its max value
logaritmic : bool, default=False
whether or not to use logaritmic y-axis
label_str : str, default='Singular line'
label used in legend
fdd_plotter : `FDDPlotter` object
self.logaritmic = logaritmic
self.normalize = normalize
if U is None:
U = np.stack([np.eye(D.shape[0])]*D.shape[2],axis=2)
self._U = U
self._D = D
self.line_ixs = np.array(lines)
self.index = 0
self.lines = [None]*len(self.line_ixs)
self.n_lines = len(self.line_ixs)
self.active_settings = {'linewidth': 2.0, 'alpha':1.0} | active_settings
self.deactive_settings = {'linewidth': 1.0, 'alpha': 0.5} | deactive_settings
self._picked = []
self.picked_dots = []
self.vline_settings = dict(ls='-', lw=0.5) | vline_settings
self.title_format = 'ix = {index}'
self.label_str = label_str
if f is None:
self.f = np.arange(self.D.shape[2])
self.f = f
if ax is None:
self.fig, = plt.subplots(num=num)
else: = ax
self.fig = plt.gcf()
if colors is None:
self.colors = list(mcolors.TABLEAU_COLORS.values())
self.colors = colors
def get_fig(self, show=True, block=True):
Get an interactive figure.
show : bool, default=True
whether or not to automatically show figure
block : bool, default=True
whether or not to block before returning to retain interactivity
fig : `matplotlib.Figure` object
figure object
for l in range(self.n_lines):
if self.normalize:
plotted = [self.D[l, l, :]/np.max(self.D[l, l, :]) for l in range(self.D.shape[0])]
plotted = [self.D[l, l, :] for l in range(self.D.shape[0])]
if self.logaritmic:
plotted = [np.log10(plotted_l) for plotted_l in plotted]
self.lines[l], =, plotted[l], color=self.colors[l], linewidth=1.0, label=f'{self.label_str} {self.line_ixs[l]}')
self.vline =, **self.vline_settings)
self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('scroll_event', self.on_scroll)
self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.on_click)
self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self.on_move)
self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', self.on_keyboard)
self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('close_event', self.on_close)
if block:
self.title_format = 'ix = {index} (Press enter when selection is done)'
if show:
if block:
return self.fig
def picked(self):
if len(self._picked) == 0:
return self._picked
_picked = np.array(self._picked)
sort_ix = np.argsort(_picked[:,1])
return _picked[sort_ix, :]
def current_line(self):
return self.lines[self.index]
def on_click(self, event):
if event.inaxes and event.button is MouseButton.LEFT and self.fig.canvas.manager.toolbar.mode.value == '':
current_line = self.current_line
color = current_line.get_color()
ix_sel = np.argmin(np.abs(event.xdata - self.f))
self._picked.append([self.index, ix_sel])
self.picked_dots.append([ix_sel], current_line.get_ydata()[ix_sel], marker='o',
markersize=7, markerfacecolor=color, markeredgecolor='black')[0])
elif event.inaxes and event.button is MouseButton.RIGHT:
ix_sel = np.argmin(np.abs(event.xdata - self.f))
picked_mat = np.array(self._picked)
valid_ix = np.where((picked_mat[:,0] == self.index))[0]
if len(valid_ix)>0:
row_ix = np.argmin(np.abs(ix_sel-picked_mat[valid_ix, 1]))
ix_remove = valid_ix[row_ix]
def on_close(self, event):
def on_keyboard(self, event):
if event.key == 'enter':
self.title_format = 'ix = {index}'
# Prepare for printing
for ix,line in enumerate(self.lines):
def on_move(self, event):
if event.inaxes:
ix_sel = np.argmin(np.abs(event.xdata-self.f))
def on_scroll(self, event):
increment = 1 if event.button == 'up' else -1
self.index = np.clip(self.index + increment, 0, self.n_lines-1)
def update(self): = self.line_ixs[self.index]))
for ix,line in enumerate(self.lines):
if ix==self.index:
def D(self):
return self._D[np.ix_(self.line_ixs, self.line_ixs, np.arange(self._D.shape[2]))]
def U(self):
return self._U[np.ix_(np.arange(self._U.shape[0]), self.line_ixs, np.arange(self._U.shape[2]))]
def freq(self):
if len(self.picked)>0:
ixs = self.picked[:, 1]
return self.f[ixs]
def phi(self):
if len(self.picked)>0:
phi = np.zeros([self.U.shape[0], len(self._picked)]).astype(complex)
for ix,pick in enumerate(self.picked):
phi[:, ix] = self.U[:, pick[0], pick[1]]
return phi
def stabplot(lambd, orders, phi=None, freq_range=None, frequency_unit='rad/s', damped_freq=False, psd_freq=None, psd_y=None, psd_plot_scale='log',
renderer=None, pole_settings=None, selected_pole_settings=None, to_clipboard='none', return_ix=False):
(DEPRECATED) Generate plotly-based stabilization plot from output from find_stable_poles.
lambd : double
array with complex-valued eigenvalues
orders : int
corresponding order for each pole in `lambd`
phi : optional, double
matrix where each column is complex-valued eigenvector corresponding to lambd
freq_range : double, optional
list of min and max values used for frequency axis
frequency_unit : {'rad/s', 'Hz', 's'}, optional
what frequency unit to use ('s' or 'period' enforces period rather than frequency)
damped_freq : False, optional
whether or not to use damped frequency (or period) values in plot (False enforces undamped freqs)
psd_freq : double, optional
[not yet implemented] frequency values of plot to overlay, typically spectrum of data
psd_y : double, optional
[not yet implemented] function values of plot to overlay, typically spectrum of data
psd_plot_scale: {'log', 'linear'}, optional
how to plot the overlaid PSD (linear or logarithmic y-scale)
renderer : None (render no plot - manually render output object), optional
how to plot figure, refer plotly documentation for details
('svg', 'browser', 'notebook', 'notebook_connected', are examples -
use 'default' to give default and None to avoid plot)
to_clipboard : {'df', 'ix', 'none'}, optional
update clipboard every time a pole is added, keeping selected indices or table
'df' is not operational yet
return_ix : False, optional
whether or not to return second variable with indices - this is updated as more poles are selected
fig : obj
plotly figure object
By hovering a point, the following data about the point will be given in tooltip:
* Natural frequency / period in specified unit (damped or undamped)
* Order
* Critical damping ratio in % (xi)
* Index of pole (corresponding to inputs lambda_stab and order_stab)
warnings.warn("deprecated", DeprecationWarning)
# Treat input settings
if pole_settings is None: pole_settings = {}
if selected_pole_settings is None: selected_pole_settings = {}
unsel_settings = {'color':'#a9a9a9', 'size':6, 'opacity':0.6}
current_settings = listify_each_dict_entry(unsel_settings, len(lambd))
sel_settings = {'color':'#cd5c5c', 'size':10, 'opacity':1.0, 'line': {'color': '#000000', 'width': 0}}
select_status = np.zeros(len(lambd), dtype=bool)
# Create suffix and frequency value depending on whether damped freq. is requested or not
if damped_freq:
dampedornot = 'd'
omega = np.abs(np.imag(lambd))
dampedornot = 'n'
omega = np.abs(lambd)
# Create frequency/period axis and corresponding labels
if frequency_unit == 'rad/s':
x = omega
xlabel = fr'$\omega_{dampedornot} [{frequency_unit}]$'
tooltip_name = fr'\omega_{dampedornot}'
frequency_unit = 'rad/s'
elif frequency_unit.lower() == 'hz':
x = omega/(2*np.pi)
xlabel = fr'$f_{dampedornot} [{frequency_unit}]$'
tooltip_name = fr'f_{dampedornot}'
frequency_unit = 'Hz'
elif (frequency_unit.lower() == 's') or (frequency_unit.lower() == 'period'):
x = (2*np.pi)/omega
xlabel = fr'Period, $T_{dampedornot} [{frequency_unit}]$'
tooltip_name = fr'T_{dampedornot}'
frequency_unit = 's'
# Damping ratio and index to hover
xi = -np.real(lambd)/np.abs(lambd)
text = [f'xi = {xi_i*100:.2f}% <br> ix = {ix}' for ix, xi_i in enumerate(xi)] # rewrite xi as %, and make string
htemplate = f'{tooltip_name}' + ' = %{x:.3f} ' + f'{frequency_unit}<br>n =' + ' %{y}' +'<br> %{text}'
# Construct dataframe and create scatter trace
poles = pd.DataFrame({'freq': x, 'order':orders})
scatter_trace = go.Scattergl(
x=poles['freq'], y=poles['order'], mode='markers', name='',
hovertemplate = htemplate, text=text,
scatter_trace['name'] = 'Poles'
# PSD overlay trace
overlay_trace = go.Scatter(x=psd_freq, y=psd_y, mode='lines', name='PSD',
hoverinfo='skip', line={'color':'#ffdab9'})
# Create figure object, add traces and adjust labels and axes
# fig = go.FigureWidget(scatter_trace)
fig = make_subplots(rows=2, cols=1, specs=[[{"type": "xy", "secondary_y": True}],
[{"type": "table"}]])
fig.layout.hovermode = 'closest'
fig.add_trace(scatter_trace, secondary_y=False, row=1, col=1)
if psd_freq is not None:
fig.add_trace(overlay_trace, secondary_y=True, row=1, col=1)
fig.update_yaxes(title_text="PSD", secondary_y=True, type=psd_plot_scale)
fig['layout']['yaxis2']['showgrid'] = False
fig.layout['xaxis']['title'] = xlabel
fig.layout['yaxis']['title'] = '$n$'
if freq_range is not None:
fig.layout['xaxis']['range'] = freq_range
fig['layout']['yaxis']['range'] = [0.05, np.max(orders)*1.1]
# Renderer (refer to plotly documentation for details)
if renderer is 'default':
import as pio
renderer = pio.renderers.default
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['ix','x','xi'])
pd.options.display.float_format = '{:,.2f}'.format
dict(values=['Pole index', xlabel, r'$\xi [\%]$'],
align='left', format=["",".4",".4"])), row=2, col=1)
fig = go.FigureWidget(fig) #convert to widget
# Callback function for selection poles
ix = np.arange(0, len(lambd))
ix_sel = []
def update_table():
df = pd.DataFrame(data={'ix': ix[select_status],
'freq': x[select_status],
df = df.sort_values(by=['freq'])
if len(
sel_ix = 1
sel_ix = 2[sel_ix].cells.values=[df.ix, df.freq, df.xi]
def toggle_pole_selection(trace, clicked_point, selector):
def export_df():
def export_ix_list():
import pyperclip #requires pyperclip
ix_str = '[' + ', '.join(str(i) for i in ix_sel) + ']'
for i in clicked_point.point_inds:
if select_status[i]:
for key in current_settings:
current_settings[key][i] = unsel_settings[key]
for key in current_settings:
current_settings[key][i] = sel_settings[key]
select_status[i] = not select_status[i] #swap status
with fig.batch_update():
trace.marker = current_settings
ix_sel = ix[select_status]
if to_clipboard == 'ix':
elif to_clipboard == 'df':
if renderer == 'browser_legacy':
from plotly.offline import plot
plot(fig, include_mathjax='cdn')
elif renderer is not None:, include_mathjax='cdn')
if return_ix:
return fig, ix_sel
return fig
def listify_each_dict_entry(dict_in, n):
dict_out = dict()
for key in dict_in:
dict_out[key] = [dict_in[key]]*n
return dict_out
def plot_argand(phi, ax=None, colors=None, labels=None, **plot_settings):
if ax is None:
ax = plt.gca()
if labels is None:
labels = np.arange(len(phi))
plot_settings = {'width': 0.0, 'linestyle': '-'} | plot_settings
if type(colors) == str:
colors = cm.get_cmap(colors, len(phi))
if hasattr(colors, 'colors'):
colors = colors.colors
for ix,val in enumerate(phi):
if colors is not None:
color = colors[ix]
color = None
ax.arrow(0, 0, np.real(val), np.imag(val), color=color, label=labels[ix], **plot_settings)
ymax = np.max(np.abs(ax.get_ylim()))
xmax = np.max(np.abs(ax.get_xlim()))
xymax = np.max([ymax,xmax])
ax.set_ylim([-xymax, xymax])
ax.set_xlim([-xymax, xymax])
return ax
def listify_each_dict_entry(dict_in, n)
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def listify_each_dict_entry(dict_in, n): dict_out = dict() for key in dict_in: dict_out[key] = [dict_in[key]]*n return dict_out
def plot_argand(phi, ax=None, colors=None, labels=None, **plot_settings)
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def plot_argand(phi, ax=None, colors=None, labels=None, **plot_settings): if ax is None: ax = plt.gca() if labels is None: labels = np.arange(len(phi)) plot_settings = {'width': 0.0, 'linestyle': '-'} | plot_settings if type(colors) == str: colors = cm.get_cmap(colors, len(phi)) if hasattr(colors, 'colors'): colors = colors.colors for ix,val in enumerate(phi): if colors is not None: color = colors[ix] else: color = None ax.arrow(0, 0, np.real(val), np.imag(val), color=color, label=labels[ix], **plot_settings) ymax = np.max(np.abs(ax.get_ylim())) xmax = np.max(np.abs(ax.get_xlim())) xymax = np.max([ymax,xmax]) ax.set_ylim([-xymax, xymax]) ax.set_xlim([-xymax, xymax]) return ax
def stabplot(lambd, orders, phi=None, freq_range=None, frequency_unit='rad/s', damped_freq=False, psd_freq=None, psd_y=None, psd_plot_scale='log', renderer=None, pole_settings=None, selected_pole_settings=None, to_clipboard='none', return_ix=False)
(DEPRECATED) Generate plotly-based stabilization plot from output from find_stable_poles.
- array with complex-valued eigenvalues
- corresponding order for each pole in
:optional, double
- matrix where each column is complex-valued eigenvector corresponding to lambd
, optional- list of min and max values used for frequency axis
:{'rad/s', 'Hz', 's'}
, optional- what frequency unit to use ('s' or 'period' enforces period rather than frequency)
, optional- whether or not to use damped frequency (or period) values in plot (False enforces undamped freqs)
, optional- [not yet implemented] frequency values of plot to overlay, typically spectrum of data
, optional- [not yet implemented] function values of plot to overlay, typically spectrum of data
:{'log', 'linear'}
, optional- how to plot the overlaid PSD (linear or logarithmic y-scale)
:None (render no plot - manually render output object)
, optional- how to plot figure, refer plotly documentation for details ('svg', 'browser', 'notebook', 'notebook_connected', are examples - use 'default' to give default and None to avoid plot)
:{'df', 'ix', 'none'}
, optional- update clipboard every time a pole is added, keeping selected indices or table 'df' is not operational yet
, optional- whether or not to return second variable with indices - this is updated as more poles are selected
- plotly figure object
By hovering a point, the following data about the point will be given in tooltip:
* Natural frequency / period in specified unit (damped or undamped) * Order * Critical damping ratio in % (xi) * Index of pole (corresponding to inputs lambda_stab and order_stab)
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def stabplot(lambd, orders, phi=None, freq_range=None, frequency_unit='rad/s', damped_freq=False, psd_freq=None, psd_y=None, psd_plot_scale='log', renderer=None, pole_settings=None, selected_pole_settings=None, to_clipboard='none', return_ix=False): """ (DEPRECATED) Generate plotly-based stabilization plot from output from find_stable_poles. Arguments --------------------------- lambd : double array with complex-valued eigenvalues orders : int corresponding order for each pole in `lambd` phi : optional, double matrix where each column is complex-valued eigenvector corresponding to lambd freq_range : double, optional list of min and max values used for frequency axis frequency_unit : {'rad/s', 'Hz', 's'}, optional what frequency unit to use ('s' or 'period' enforces period rather than frequency) damped_freq : False, optional whether or not to use damped frequency (or period) values in plot (False enforces undamped freqs) psd_freq : double, optional [not yet implemented] frequency values of plot to overlay, typically spectrum of data psd_y : double, optional [not yet implemented] function values of plot to overlay, typically spectrum of data psd_plot_scale: {'log', 'linear'}, optional how to plot the overlaid PSD (linear or logarithmic y-scale) renderer : None (render no plot - manually render output object), optional how to plot figure, refer plotly documentation for details ('svg', 'browser', 'notebook', 'notebook_connected', are examples - use 'default' to give default and None to avoid plot) to_clipboard : {'df', 'ix', 'none'}, optional update clipboard every time a pole is added, keeping selected indices or table 'df' is not operational yet return_ix : False, optional whether or not to return second variable with indices - this is updated as more poles are selected Returns --------------------------- fig : obj plotly figure object Notes ---------------------------- By hovering a point, the following data about the point will be given in tooltip: * Natural frequency / period in specified unit (damped or undamped) * Order * Critical damping ratio in % (xi) * Index of pole (corresponding to inputs lambda_stab and order_stab) """ warnings.warn("deprecated", DeprecationWarning) # Treat input settings if pole_settings is None: pole_settings = {} if selected_pole_settings is None: selected_pole_settings = {} unsel_settings = {'color':'#a9a9a9', 'size':6, 'opacity':0.6} unsel_settings.update(**pole_settings) current_settings = listify_each_dict_entry(unsel_settings, len(lambd)) sel_settings = {'color':'#cd5c5c', 'size':10, 'opacity':1.0, 'line': {'color': '#000000', 'width': 0}} sel_settings.update(**selected_pole_settings) select_status = np.zeros(len(lambd), dtype=bool) # Create suffix and frequency value depending on whether damped freq. is requested or not if damped_freq: dampedornot = 'd' omega = np.abs(np.imag(lambd)) else: dampedornot = 'n' omega = np.abs(lambd) # Create frequency/period axis and corresponding labels if frequency_unit == 'rad/s': x = omega xlabel = fr'$\omega_{dampedornot} [{frequency_unit}]$' tooltip_name = fr'\omega_{dampedornot}' frequency_unit = 'rad/s' elif frequency_unit.lower() == 'hz': x = omega/(2*np.pi) xlabel = fr'$f_{dampedornot} [{frequency_unit}]$' tooltip_name = fr'f_{dampedornot}' frequency_unit = 'Hz' elif (frequency_unit.lower() == 's') or (frequency_unit.lower() == 'period'): x = (2*np.pi)/omega xlabel = fr'Period, $T_{dampedornot} [{frequency_unit}]$' tooltip_name = fr'T_{dampedornot}' frequency_unit = 's' # Damping ratio and index to hover xi = -np.real(lambd)/np.abs(lambd) text = [f'xi = {xi_i*100:.2f}% <br> ix = {ix}' for ix, xi_i in enumerate(xi)] # rewrite xi as %, and make string htemplate = f'{tooltip_name}' + ' = %{x:.3f} ' + f'{frequency_unit}<br>n =' + ' %{y}' +'<br> %{text}' # Construct dataframe and create scatter trace poles = pd.DataFrame({'freq': x, 'order':orders}) scatter_trace = go.Scattergl( x=poles['freq'], y=poles['order'], mode='markers', name='', hovertemplate = htemplate, text=text, marker=current_settings) scatter_trace['name'] = 'Poles' # PSD overlay trace overlay_trace = go.Scatter(x=psd_freq, y=psd_y, mode='lines', name='PSD', hoverinfo='skip', line={'color':'#ffdab9'}) # Create figure object, add traces and adjust labels and axes # fig = go.FigureWidget(scatter_trace) fig = make_subplots(rows=2, cols=1, specs=[[{"type": "xy", "secondary_y": True}], [{"type": "table"}]]) fig.layout.hovermode = 'closest' fig.add_trace(scatter_trace, secondary_y=False, row=1, col=1) if psd_freq is not None: fig.add_trace(overlay_trace, secondary_y=True, row=1, col=1) fig.update_yaxes(title_text="PSD", secondary_y=True, type=psd_plot_scale) fig['layout']['yaxis2']['showgrid'] = False fig.layout['xaxis']['title'] = xlabel fig.layout['yaxis']['title'] = '$n$' if freq_range is not None: fig.layout['xaxis']['range'] = freq_range fig['layout']['yaxis']['range'] = [0.05, np.max(orders)*1.1] # Renderer (refer to plotly documentation for details) if renderer is 'default': import as pio renderer = pio.renderers.default df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['ix','x','xi']) pd.options.display.float_format = '{:,.2f}'.format fig.add_trace( go.Table(header= dict(values=['Pole index', xlabel, r'$\xi [\%]$'], fill_color='paleturquoise', align='left'), cells= dict(values=[],fill_color='lavender', align='left', format=["",".4",".4"])), row=2, col=1) fig.update_layout( height=1000, showlegend=False ) fig = go.FigureWidget(fig) #convert to widget # Callback function for selection poles ix = np.arange(0, len(lambd)) ix_sel = [] def update_table(): df = pd.DataFrame(data={'ix': ix[select_status], 'freq': x[select_status], 'xi':100*xi[select_status]}) df = df.sort_values(by=['freq']) if len( sel_ix = 1 else: sel_ix = 2[sel_ix].cells.values=[df.ix, df.freq, df.xi] def toggle_pole_selection(trace, clicked_point, selector): def export_df(): df.to_clipboard(index=False) def export_ix_list(): import pyperclip #requires pyperclip ix_str = '[' + ', '.join(str(i) for i in ix_sel) + ']' pyperclip.copy(ix_str) for i in clicked_point.point_inds: if select_status[i]: for key in current_settings: current_settings[key][i] = unsel_settings[key] else: for key in current_settings: current_settings[key][i] = sel_settings[key] select_status[i] = not select_status[i] #swap status with fig.batch_update(): trace.marker = current_settings update_table() ix_sel = ix[select_status] if to_clipboard == 'ix': export_ix_list() elif to_clipboard == 'df': export_df()[0].on_click(toggle_pole_selection) if renderer == 'browser_legacy': from plotly.offline import plot plot(fig, include_mathjax='cdn') elif renderer is not None:, include_mathjax='cdn') if return_ix: return fig, ix_sel else: return fig
class FDDPlotter (D, U=None, f=None, lines=None, colors=None, ax=None, num=None, active_settings={}, deactive_settings={}, picked_settings={}, vline_settings={}, normalize=False, logaritmic=False, label_str='Singular line')
Class to initiate interactive peak picking plot for FDD (or directly on CPSD).
Assuming we have a data matrix
sampled atfs=128.0
.First, we import the necessary functions and classes:
from koma.signal import xwelch from koma.oma import freq_svd from koma.plot import FDDPlotter
Then, we need to create a CPSD matrix:
f, cpsd = xwelch(data, fs=fs, nfft=2048, nperseg=1024)
This is thereafter decomposed and used as input to create the FDDPlotter object:
U, D = koma.oma.freq_svd(cpsd) fdd_plotter = koma.plot.FDDPlotter(D, U=U, f=f, lines=[0, 1], num=1)
Finally, we get the figure:
fig = fdd_plotter.get_fig()
Scroll with the mouse to change the active line, click right mouse button to remove point and left mouse button to add point.
- numpy array of dimensions N_dofs x N_dofs x N_freq; can either be diagonal (3d) array from FDD (i.e., SVD) or the CPSD matrix (frequencies along last axis)
, optional- if FDD is used as a prior step, this is the U matrix defining the orthogonal vectors for varying frequencies
, optional- frequency axis corresponding to D (and U); if not given indices are used
, optional- list of integers corresponding to the indices of D; these define which diagonal terms to plot; if not defined, all components/lines are plotted
, optional- list of strings or rgb tuples to use for the different line plots; if not given, default color order is applied
:matplotlib.Axis</code> object
- axis to place plot in; if not given, a new axis in the figure specified will be created
, optional- figure number used; only used if
= None active_settings
- dictionary with settings to use for lines that are active
- dictionary with settings to use for lines that are inactive
- dictionary with settings to use for picked dot
- dictionary with settings to use for vertical line
, default=False
- whether or not to normalize each line to its max value
, default=False
- whether or not to use logaritmic y-axis
, default='Singular line'
- label used in legend
:<a title="koma.plot.FDDPlotter" href="#koma.plot.FDDPlotter">FDDPlotter</a></code> object
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class FDDPlotter: ''' Class to initiate interactive peak picking plot for FDD (or directly on CPSD). Example ---------- Assuming we have a data matrix `data` sampled at `fs=128.0`. First, we import the necessary functions and classes: from koma.signal import xwelch from koma.oma import freq_svd from koma.plot import FDDPlotter Then, we need to create a CPSD matrix: f, cpsd = xwelch(data, fs=fs, nfft=2048, nperseg=1024) This is thereafter decomposed and used as input to create the FDDPlotter object: U, D = koma.oma.freq_svd(cpsd) fdd_plotter = koma.plot.FDDPlotter(D, U=U, f=f, lines=[0, 1], num=1) Finally, we get the figure: fig = fdd_plotter.get_fig() Scroll with the mouse to change the active line, click right mouse button to remove point and left mouse button to add point. ''' def __init__(self, D, U=None, f=None, lines=None, colors=None, ax=None, num=None, active_settings={}, deactive_settings={}, picked_settings={}, vline_settings= {}, normalize=False, logaritmic=False, label_str='Singular line'): ''' Parameters ------------- D : float numpy array of dimensions N_dofs x N_dofs x N_freq; can either be diagonal (3d) array from FDD (i.e., SVD) or the CPSD matrix (frequencies along last axis) U : float, optional if FDD is used as a prior step, this is the U matrix defining the orthogonal vectors for varying frequencies f : float, optional frequency axis corresponding to D (and U); if not given indices are used lines : int, optional list of integers corresponding to the indices of D; these define which diagonal terms to plot; if not defined, all components/lines are plotted colors : list, optional list of strings or rgb tuples to use for the different line plots; if not given, default color order is applied ax : `matplotlib.Axis` object axis to place plot in; if not given, a new axis in the figure specified will be created num : int, optional figure number used; only used if `ax` = None active_settings : dict dictionary with settings to use for lines that are active deactive_settings : dict dictionary with settings to use for lines that are inactive picked_settings : dict dictionary with settings to use for picked dot vline_settings : dict dictionary with settings to use for vertical line normalize : bool, default=False whether or not to normalize each line to its max value logaritmic : bool, default=False whether or not to use logaritmic y-axis label_str : str, default='Singular line' label used in legend Returns ---------- fdd_plotter : `FDDPlotter` object ''' self.logaritmic = logaritmic self.normalize = normalize if U is None: U = np.stack([np.eye(D.shape[0])]*D.shape[2],axis=2) self._U = U self._D = D self.line_ixs = np.array(lines) self.index = 0 self.lines = [None]*len(self.line_ixs) self.n_lines = len(self.line_ixs) self.active_settings = {'linewidth': 2.0, 'alpha':1.0} | active_settings self.deactive_settings = {'linewidth': 1.0, 'alpha': 0.5} | deactive_settings self._picked = [] self.picked_dots = [] self.vline_settings = dict(ls='-', lw=0.5) | vline_settings self.title_format = 'ix = {index}' self.label_str = label_str if f is None: self.f = np.arange(self.D.shape[2]) else: self.f = f if ax is None: plt.figure(num).clf() self.fig, = plt.subplots(num=num) else: = ax self.fig = plt.gcf() if colors is None: self.colors = list(mcolors.TABLEAU_COLORS.values()) else: self.colors = colors def get_fig(self, show=True, block=True): ''' Get an interactive figure. Parameters ----------- show : bool, default=True whether or not to automatically show figure block : bool, default=True whether or not to block before returning to retain interactivity Returns ----------- fig : `matplotlib.Figure` object figure object ''' for l in range(self.n_lines): if self.normalize: plotted = [self.D[l, l, :]/np.max(self.D[l, l, :]) for l in range(self.D.shape[0])] else: plotted = [self.D[l, l, :] for l in range(self.D.shape[0])] if self.logaritmic: plotted = [np.log10(plotted_l) for plotted_l in plotted] self.lines[l], =, plotted[l], color=self.colors[l], linewidth=1.0, label=f'{self.label_str} {self.line_ixs[l]}') self.vline =, **self.vline_settings) self.vline.set_color(self.current_line.get_color()) self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('scroll_event', self.on_scroll) self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.on_click) self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self.on_move) self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', self.on_keyboard) self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('close_event', self.on_close) if block: self.title_format = 'ix = {index} (Press enter when selection is done)' self.update() if show: if block: self.fig.canvas.start_event_loop() return self.fig @property def picked(self): if len(self._picked) == 0: return self._picked else: _picked = np.array(self._picked) sort_ix = np.argsort(_picked[:,1]) return _picked[sort_ix, :] @property def current_line(self): return self.lines[self.index] def on_click(self, event): if event.inaxes and event.button is MouseButton.LEFT and self.fig.canvas.manager.toolbar.mode.value == '': current_line = self.current_line color = current_line.get_color() ix_sel = np.argmin(np.abs(event.xdata - self.f)) self._picked.append([self.index, ix_sel]) self.picked_dots.append([ix_sel], current_line.get_ydata()[ix_sel], marker='o', markersize=7, markerfacecolor=color, markeredgecolor='black')[0]) elif event.inaxes and event.button is MouseButton.RIGHT: ix_sel = np.argmin(np.abs(event.xdata - self.f)) picked_mat = np.array(self._picked) valid_ix = np.where((picked_mat[:,0] == self.index))[0] if len(valid_ix)>0: row_ix = np.argmin(np.abs(ix_sel-picked_mat[valid_ix, 1])) ix_remove = valid_ix[row_ix] self._picked.pop(ix_remove) self.picked_dots[ix_remove].remove() self.picked_dots.pop(ix_remove) self.fig.canvas.draw() def on_close(self, event): self.fig.canvas.stop_event_loop() def on_keyboard(self, event): if event.key == 'enter': self.title_format = 'ix = {index}' self.update() self.fig.canvas.stop_event_loop() # Prepare for printing self.vline.set_xdata([np.nan]) for ix,line in enumerate(self.lines): line.set(**self.deactive_settings) line.set(alpha=1.0) def on_move(self, event): if event.inaxes: ix_sel = np.argmin(np.abs(event.xdata-self.f)) self.vline.set_xdata([self.f[ix_sel]]) self.fig.canvas.draw() def on_scroll(self, event): increment = 1 if event.button == 'up' else -1 self.index = np.clip(self.index + increment, 0, self.n_lines-1) self.vline.set_color(self.current_line.get_color()) self.update() def update(self): = self.line_ixs[self.index])) for ix,line in enumerate(self.lines): if ix==self.index: line.set(**self.active_settings) else: line.set(**self.deactive_settings) self.fig.canvas.draw() @property def D(self): return self._D[np.ix_(self.line_ixs, self.line_ixs, np.arange(self._D.shape[2]))] @property def U(self): return self._U[np.ix_(np.arange(self._U.shape[0]), self.line_ixs, np.arange(self._U.shape[2]))] @property def freq(self): if len(self.picked)>0: ixs = self.picked[:, 1] return self.f[ixs] @property def phi(self): if len(self.picked)>0: phi = np.zeros([self.U.shape[0], len(self._picked)]).astype(complex) for ix,pick in enumerate(self.picked): phi[:, ix] = self.U[:, pick[0], pick[1]] return phi
Instance variables
var D
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@property def D(self): return self._D[np.ix_(self.line_ixs, self.line_ixs, np.arange(self._D.shape[2]))]
var U
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@property def U(self): return self._U[np.ix_(np.arange(self._U.shape[0]), self.line_ixs, np.arange(self._U.shape[2]))]
var current_line
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@property def current_line(self): return self.lines[self.index]
var freq
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@property def freq(self): if len(self.picked)>0: ixs = self.picked[:, 1] return self.f[ixs]
var phi
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@property def phi(self): if len(self.picked)>0: phi = np.zeros([self.U.shape[0], len(self._picked)]).astype(complex) for ix,pick in enumerate(self.picked): phi[:, ix] = self.U[:, pick[0], pick[1]] return phi
var picked
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@property def picked(self): if len(self._picked) == 0: return self._picked else: _picked = np.array(self._picked) sort_ix = np.argsort(_picked[:,1]) return _picked[sort_ix, :]
def get_fig(self, show=True, block=True)
Get an interactive figure.
, default=True
- whether or not to automatically show figure
, default=True
- whether or not to block before returning to retain interactivity
:matplotlib.Figure</code> object
- figure object
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def get_fig(self, show=True, block=True): ''' Get an interactive figure. Parameters ----------- show : bool, default=True whether or not to automatically show figure block : bool, default=True whether or not to block before returning to retain interactivity Returns ----------- fig : `matplotlib.Figure` object figure object ''' for l in range(self.n_lines): if self.normalize: plotted = [self.D[l, l, :]/np.max(self.D[l, l, :]) for l in range(self.D.shape[0])] else: plotted = [self.D[l, l, :] for l in range(self.D.shape[0])] if self.logaritmic: plotted = [np.log10(plotted_l) for plotted_l in plotted] self.lines[l], =, plotted[l], color=self.colors[l], linewidth=1.0, label=f'{self.label_str} {self.line_ixs[l]}') self.vline =, **self.vline_settings) self.vline.set_color(self.current_line.get_color()) self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('scroll_event', self.on_scroll) self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.on_click) self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self.on_move) self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', self.on_keyboard) self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('close_event', self.on_close) if block: self.title_format = 'ix = {index} (Press enter when selection is done)' self.update() if show: if block: self.fig.canvas.start_event_loop() return self.fig
def on_click(self, event)
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def on_click(self, event): if event.inaxes and event.button is MouseButton.LEFT and self.fig.canvas.manager.toolbar.mode.value == '': current_line = self.current_line color = current_line.get_color() ix_sel = np.argmin(np.abs(event.xdata - self.f)) self._picked.append([self.index, ix_sel]) self.picked_dots.append([ix_sel], current_line.get_ydata()[ix_sel], marker='o', markersize=7, markerfacecolor=color, markeredgecolor='black')[0]) elif event.inaxes and event.button is MouseButton.RIGHT: ix_sel = np.argmin(np.abs(event.xdata - self.f)) picked_mat = np.array(self._picked) valid_ix = np.where((picked_mat[:,0] == self.index))[0] if len(valid_ix)>0: row_ix = np.argmin(np.abs(ix_sel-picked_mat[valid_ix, 1])) ix_remove = valid_ix[row_ix] self._picked.pop(ix_remove) self.picked_dots[ix_remove].remove() self.picked_dots.pop(ix_remove) self.fig.canvas.draw()
def on_close(self, event)
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def on_close(self, event): self.fig.canvas.stop_event_loop()
def on_keyboard(self, event)
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def on_keyboard(self, event): if event.key == 'enter': self.title_format = 'ix = {index}' self.update() self.fig.canvas.stop_event_loop() # Prepare for printing self.vline.set_xdata([np.nan]) for ix,line in enumerate(self.lines): line.set(**self.deactive_settings) line.set(alpha=1.0)
def on_move(self, event)
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def on_move(self, event): if event.inaxes: ix_sel = np.argmin(np.abs(event.xdata-self.f)) self.vline.set_xdata([self.f[ix_sel]]) self.fig.canvas.draw()
def on_scroll(self, event)
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def on_scroll(self, event): increment = 1 if event.button == 'up' else -1 self.index = np.clip(self.index + increment, 0, self.n_lines-1) self.vline.set_color(self.current_line.get_color()) self.update()
def update(self)
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def update(self): = self.line_ixs[self.index])) for ix,line in enumerate(self.lines): if ix==self.index: line.set(**self.active_settings) else: line.set(**self.deactive_settings) self.fig.canvas.draw()
class Selector (ax, active_settings={}, deactive_settings={}, templine_settings={}, picked_settings={})
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class Selector: def __init__(self, ax, active_settings={}, deactive_settings={}, templine_settings={}, picked_settings={}): = ax self.fig = ax.get_figure() self.lines = list(ax.lines) self.picked = [] self.picked_lines = [] self.index = 0 self.templine_settings = dict(ls='-', lw=0.5) | templine_settings if len(self.lines)>0: self.x = self.lines[0].get_xdata() self.active_settings = {'linewidth': 2.0, 'alpha':1.0} | active_settings self.deactive_settings = {'linewidth': 1.0, 'alpha': 0.5} | deactive_settings self.picked_settings = dict(ls='--', lw=1) | picked_settings @property def n_lines(self): return len(self.lines) @property def current_line(self): return self.lines[self.index] def on_click(self, event): if event.inaxes and event.button is MouseButton.LEFT and self.fig.canvas.manager.toolbar.mode.value == '': color = self.current_line.get_color() ix_sel = np.argmin(np.abs(event.xdata - self.x)) self.picked.append([self.index, ix_sel, self.x[ix_sel]]) self.picked_lines.append([ix_sel], color=color, **self.picked_settings)) elif event.inaxes and event.button is MouseButton.RIGHT: ix_sel = np.argmin(np.abs(event.xdata - self.x)) picked_mat = np.vstack(self.picked) valid_x_ix = np.where((picked_mat[:,0] == self.index))[0] if len(valid_x_ix)>0: row_ix = np.argmin(np.abs(ix_sel-picked_mat[valid_x_ix, 1])) ix_remove = valid_x_ix[row_ix] self.picked.pop(ix_remove) self.picked_lines[ix_remove].remove() self.picked_lines.pop(ix_remove) self.fig.canvas.draw() def on_scroll(self, event): increment = 1 if event.button == 'up' else -1 self.index = np.clip(self.index + increment, 0, self.n_lines-1) self.x = self.lines[self.index].get_xdata() self.templine.set_color(self.current_line.get_color()) self.update() def update(self): for ix,line in enumerate(self.lines): if ix==self.index: line.set(**self.active_settings) else: line.set(**self.deactive_settings) self.fig.canvas.draw() def on_close(self, event): self.fig.canvas.stop_event_loop() def on_keyboard(self, event): if event.key == 'enter': self.title_format = 'ix = {index}' self.update() self.fig.canvas.stop_event_loop() # Prepare for printing self.templine.set_xdata([np.nan]) for ix,line in enumerate(self.lines): line.set(**self.deactive_settings) line.set(alpha=1.0) def on_move(self, event): if event.inaxes: ix_sel = np.argmin(np.abs(event.xdata-self.x)) self.templine.set_xdata([self.x[ix_sel]]) self.fig.canvas.draw() def get_fig(self, show=True, block=True): ''' Get an interactive figure. Parameters ----------- show : bool, default=True whether or not to automatically show figure block : bool, default=True whether or not to block before returning to retain interactivity Returns ----------- fig : `matplotlib.Figure` object figure object ''' self.templine =, **self.templine_settings) self.templine.set_color(self.current_line.get_color()) self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('scroll_event', self.on_scroll) self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.on_click) self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self.on_move) self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', self.on_keyboard) self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('close_event', self.on_close) if block: self.title_format = 'ix = {index} (Press enter when selection is done)' self.update() if show: if block: self.fig.canvas.start_event_loop() return self.fig @property def all_picked_x(self): return np.array([p[2] for p in self.picked]) @property def picked_x(self): pmat = np.vstack(self.picked) x = [None]*self.n_lines for ix in range(self.n_lines): okix = pmat[:,0] == ix x[ix] = pmat[okix, 2] return x @property def picked_ix(self): pmat = np.vstack(self.picked) x_ix = [None]*self.n_lines for ix in range(self.n_lines): okix = pmat[:,0] == ix x_ix[ix] = pmat[okix, 1].astype(int) return x_ix @property def picked_line_ix(self): return np.array([p[0] for p in self.picked]) @property def all_picked_ix(self): return np.array([p[1] for p in self.picked])
Instance variables
var all_picked_ix
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@property def all_picked_ix(self): return np.array([p[1] for p in self.picked])
var all_picked_x
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@property def all_picked_x(self): return np.array([p[2] for p in self.picked])
var current_line
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@property def current_line(self): return self.lines[self.index]
var n_lines
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@property def n_lines(self): return len(self.lines)
var picked_ix
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@property def picked_ix(self): pmat = np.vstack(self.picked) x_ix = [None]*self.n_lines for ix in range(self.n_lines): okix = pmat[:,0] == ix x_ix[ix] = pmat[okix, 1].astype(int) return x_ix
var picked_line_ix
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@property def picked_line_ix(self): return np.array([p[0] for p in self.picked])
var picked_x
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@property def picked_x(self): pmat = np.vstack(self.picked) x = [None]*self.n_lines for ix in range(self.n_lines): okix = pmat[:,0] == ix x[ix] = pmat[okix, 2] return x
def get_fig(self, show=True, block=True)
Get an interactive figure.
, default=True
- whether or not to automatically show figure
, default=True
- whether or not to block before returning to retain interactivity
:matplotlib.Figure</code> object
- figure object
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def get_fig(self, show=True, block=True): ''' Get an interactive figure. Parameters ----------- show : bool, default=True whether or not to automatically show figure block : bool, default=True whether or not to block before returning to retain interactivity Returns ----------- fig : `matplotlib.Figure` object figure object ''' self.templine =, **self.templine_settings) self.templine.set_color(self.current_line.get_color()) self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('scroll_event', self.on_scroll) self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.on_click) self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self.on_move) self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', self.on_keyboard) self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('close_event', self.on_close) if block: self.title_format = 'ix = {index} (Press enter when selection is done)' self.update() if show: if block: self.fig.canvas.start_event_loop() return self.fig
def on_click(self, event)
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def on_click(self, event): if event.inaxes and event.button is MouseButton.LEFT and self.fig.canvas.manager.toolbar.mode.value == '': color = self.current_line.get_color() ix_sel = np.argmin(np.abs(event.xdata - self.x)) self.picked.append([self.index, ix_sel, self.x[ix_sel]]) self.picked_lines.append([ix_sel], color=color, **self.picked_settings)) elif event.inaxes and event.button is MouseButton.RIGHT: ix_sel = np.argmin(np.abs(event.xdata - self.x)) picked_mat = np.vstack(self.picked) valid_x_ix = np.where((picked_mat[:,0] == self.index))[0] if len(valid_x_ix)>0: row_ix = np.argmin(np.abs(ix_sel-picked_mat[valid_x_ix, 1])) ix_remove = valid_x_ix[row_ix] self.picked.pop(ix_remove) self.picked_lines[ix_remove].remove() self.picked_lines.pop(ix_remove) self.fig.canvas.draw()
def on_close(self, event)
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def on_close(self, event): self.fig.canvas.stop_event_loop()
def on_keyboard(self, event)
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def on_keyboard(self, event): if event.key == 'enter': self.title_format = 'ix = {index}' self.update() self.fig.canvas.stop_event_loop() # Prepare for printing self.templine.set_xdata([np.nan]) for ix,line in enumerate(self.lines): line.set(**self.deactive_settings) line.set(alpha=1.0)
def on_move(self, event)
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def on_move(self, event): if event.inaxes: ix_sel = np.argmin(np.abs(event.xdata-self.x)) self.templine.set_xdata([self.x[ix_sel]]) self.fig.canvas.draw()
def on_scroll(self, event)
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def on_scroll(self, event): increment = 1 if event.button == 'up' else -1 self.index = np.clip(self.index + increment, 0, self.n_lines-1) self.x = self.lines[self.index].get_xdata() self.templine.set_color(self.current_line.get_color()) self.update()
def update(self)
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def update(self): for ix,line in enumerate(self.lines): if ix==self.index: line.set(**self.active_settings) else: line.set(**self.deactive_settings) self.fig.canvas.draw()
class StabPlotter (lambd, orders, phi=None, freq_unit='rad/s', damped_freq=False, psd_freq=None, psd_y=None, log_psd_scale=True, pole_settings=None, selected_pole_settings=None, hover_pole_settings=None, ax=None, num=None, sort_by='undamped', annotate_hover=False, psd_color='gray')
Class to initialize interactive stabilization plot.
Assuming we have a data matrix
sampled atfs=128.0
. The data is first processed using the covssi (can also be filtered using thefind_stable_poles
function):fs = 128.0 i = 30 orders_input = np.arange(2, 100, 2) lambd, phi, orders = koma.oma.covssi(data, fs, i, orders_input)
The stabilization plot is generated like this:
stab_plotter = koma.plot.StabPlotter(lambd, orders, phi=phi, freq_unit='hz', damped_freq=False, annotate_hover=True) fig = stab_plotter.get_fig()
The following code extracts the data from the plotter object as variables:
phi_sel, fn_sel, xi_sel = stab_plotter.phi, stab_plotter.fn, stab_plotter.xi '
- array with complex-valued eigenvalues
- corresponding order for each pole in
, optional- matrix where each column is complex-valued eigenvector corresponding to lambd
, default='rad/s'
- what frequency unit to use; 'Hz' or 'rad/s'
, optional- whether or not to use damped frequency (or period) values in plot (False enforces undamped freqs)
, optional- frequency values of plot to overlay, typically spectrum of data
, optional- function values of plot to overlay, typically spectrum of data
, default=True
- whether or not to plot the overlaid PSD using a logarithmic y-scale
- dictionary with settings to pass to the plot settings of the poles
- dictionary with settings to pass to the plot settings of the selected poles
- dictionary with settings to pass to the plot settings of the pole currently being hovered
:matplotlib.Axis</code> object
- axis to place plot in; if not given, a new axis in the figure specified will be created
, optional- figure number used; only used if
= None sort_by
, default='undamped'
- what quantity to sort output by; either 'undamped', 'damped' or None
, default='gray'
- color to use for PSD plot overlayed
- plotly figure object
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class StabPlotter: ''' Class to initialize interactive stabilization plot. Example ----------- Assuming we have a data matrix `data` sampled at `fs=128.0`. The data is first processed using the covssi (can also be filtered using the `find_stable_poles` function): fs = 128.0 i = 30 orders_input = np.arange(2, 100, 2) lambd, phi, orders = koma.oma.covssi(data, fs, i, orders_input) The stabilization plot is generated like this: stab_plotter = koma.plot.StabPlotter(lambd, orders, phi=phi, freq_unit='hz', damped_freq=False, annotate_hover=True) fig = stab_plotter.get_fig() The following code extracts the data from the plotter object as variables: phi_sel, fn_sel, xi_sel = stab_plotter.phi, stab_plotter.fn, stab_plotter.xi ' ''' def __init__(self, lambd, orders, phi=None, freq_unit='rad/s', damped_freq=False, psd_freq=None, psd_y=None, log_psd_scale=True, pole_settings=None, selected_pole_settings=None, hover_pole_settings=None, ax=None, num=None, sort_by='undamped', annotate_hover=False, psd_color='gray'): ''' Parameters ------------ lambd : double array with complex-valued eigenvalues orders : int corresponding order for each pole in `lambd` phi : double, optional matrix where each column is complex-valued eigenvector corresponding to lambd freq_unit : str, default='rad/s' what frequency unit to use; 'Hz' or 'rad/s' damped_freq : False, optional whether or not to use damped frequency (or period) values in plot (False enforces undamped freqs) psd_freq : double, optional frequency values of plot to overlay, typically spectrum of data psd_y : double, optional function values of plot to overlay, typically spectrum of data log_psd_scale: boolean, default=True whether or not to plot the overlaid PSD using a logarithmic y-scale pole_settings : dict dictionary with settings to pass to the plot settings of the poles selected_pole_settings : dict dictionary with settings to pass to the plot settings of the selected poles hover_pole_settings : dict dictionary with settings to pass to the plot settings of the pole currently being hovered ax : `matplotlib.Axis` object axis to place plot in; if not given, a new axis in the figure specified will be created num : int, optional figure number used; only used if `ax` = None sort_by : str, default='undamped' what quantity to sort output by; either 'undamped', 'damped' or None psd_color : str, default='gray' color to use for PSD plot overlayed Returns --------------------------- fig : obj plotly figure object ''' if pole_settings is None: pole_settings = {} if selected_pole_settings is None: selected_pole_settings = {} if hover_pole_settings is None: hover_pole_settings = {} self._lambd = lambd self._orders = orders self._phi = phi self.sort_by = sort_by self.damped_freq = damped_freq # Make list if psd_y is not None and not isinstance(psd_y, list): psd_y = [psd_y] psd_freq = [psd_freq] self.psd_color = psd_color self.psd_freq = psd_freq self.psd_y = psd_y self.log_psd_scale = log_psd_scale self.pole_settings = dict(linestyle='none', marker='.', color='k') | pole_settings self.selected_pole_settings = dict(linestyle='none', marker='o', color='r') | selected_pole_settings self.hover_pole_settings = dict(linestyle='none', marker='o', color='r', alpha=0.3) | hover_pole_settings self.annotate_hover = annotate_hover self._picked = [] self._hoverpos = [np.nan, np.nan] self._hoverix = None self._hoverdot = None self._annotation = None self.picked_dots = [] if damped_freq: dampedornot = 'd' self._f = np.abs(np.imag(lambd)) else: dampedornot = 'n' self._f = np.abs(lambd) if freq_unit.lower() == 'hz': self._f = self._f/2/np.pi self.freq_name = fr'$f_{dampedornot}$' self.freq_unit = 'Hz' else: self.freq_name = fr'$\omega_{dampedornot}$' self.freq_unit = 'rad/s' if ax is None: plt.figure(num).clf() self.fig, = plt.subplots(num=num, figsize=(18,7)) else: = ax self.fig = plt.gcf() @property def hoverpos(self): return self._hoverpos @hoverpos.setter def hoverpos(self, ix): self._hoverix = ix if self._hoverix is None: x = np.nan y = np.nan text = '' self._annotation.set_visible(False) else: x = self._f[ix] y = self._orders[ix] text = (f'ix = {self._hoverix}\n' + f'n = {self._orders[ix]}\n' + fr'{self.freq_name} = {self._hoverpos[0]:.2f} {self.freq_unit}' + '\n' + fr'$\xi$ = {self.get_xi(ix)*100:.2f}%') if self._phi is not None: this_mpc = mpc(self._phi[:,ix:ix+1])[0] text = text + f'\nMPC={this_mpc*100:.1f}%' self._hoverpos = x,y self._hoverdot.set_xdata([x]) self._hoverdot.set_ydata([y]) if self.annotate_hover: self._annotation.offsetbox.set(text=text) self._annotation.xy = self._hoverpos @property def picked(self): #sorted picked if self.sort_by is None: ix = None elif self.sort_by == 'undamped': ix = np.argsort(np.abs(self._lambd[self._picked])) elif self.sort_by == 'damped': ix = np.argsort(np.abs(np.imag(self._lambd[self._picked]))) return np.array(self._picked)[ix] @property def ix(self): #alias return self.picked # Picked orders @property def n_picked(self): if len(self.picked)>0: return self._orders[self.picked] else: return np.empty([0]) # Eigenvalues and eigenvectors @property def lambd(self): if len(self.picked)>0: return self._lambd[self.picked] else: return np.empty([0]) @property def phi(self): if len(self.picked)>0: return self._phi[:, self.picked] else: return np.empty([0]) # Damped natural freqs @property def wd(self): return np.abs(np.imag(self.lambd)) @property def omegad(self): return self.wd @property def fd(self): return self.wd/2/np.pi # Undamped natural freqs @property def wn(self): return np.abs(self.lambd) @property def omegan(self): return self.wn @property def fn(self): return self.wn/2/np.pi # Damping @property def xi(self): return -np.real(self.lambd)/np.abs(self.lambd) def get_xi(self, ix=None): xi = -np.real(self._lambd[ix])/np.abs(self._lambd[ix]) return xi def get_df(self, pars=['ix', 'n_picked', 'wn', 'xi']): ''' Get pandas dataframe with results. ''' df = pd.DataFrame(data=np.vstack([getattr(self, par) for par in pars]).T, columns=pars) if 'n_picked' in df: df['n_picked'] = df['n_picked'].astype(int) if 'picked' in df: df['picked'] = df['picked'].astype(int) if 'ix' in df: df['ix'] = df['ix'].astype(int) return df def get_ix(self, event): dist = (event.xdata - self._f)**2 + (event.ydata-self._orders)**2 ix_sel = np.argmin(dist) return ix_sel def get_fig(self, show=True, block=True): if self.psd_y is not None: ax2 = for ix, (psd, fi) in enumerate(zip(self.psd_y, self.psd_freq)): ax2.plot(fi, psd, self.psd_color) if self.log_psd_scale: ax2.set_yscale('log'), self._orders, **self.pole_settings)'{self.freq_name} [{self.freq_unit}]')'Order, $n$') self._hoverdot =[np.nan], [np.nan], **self.hover_pole_settings)[0] if self.annotate_hover: offsetbox = TextArea('') self._annotation = AnnotationBbox(offsetbox, [np.nan, np.nan], xybox=(80, 0), xycoords='data', boxcoords="offset points", arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->"), pad=0.3, bboxprops=dict(alpha=0.85)) if self.psd_y is not None: + 1) self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.on_click) self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self.on_move) self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', self.on_keyboard) self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('close_event', self.on_close) if block: self.title_format = '(Press enter when selection is done)' self.update() if show: if block: self.fig.canvas.start_event_loop() return self.fig # Interaction methods def on_click(self, event): if event.inaxes: ix_sel = self.get_ix(event) if (event.button is MouseButton.LEFT and self.fig.canvas.manager.toolbar.mode.value == ''): self._picked.append(ix_sel) self.picked_dots.append([ix_sel], self._orders[ix_sel], **self.selected_pole_settings)[0] ) elif event.button is MouseButton.RIGHT: if ix_sel in self._picked: ix_remove = self._picked.index(ix_sel) self._picked.pop(ix_remove) self.picked_dots[ix_remove].remove() self.picked_dots.pop(ix_remove) self.fig.canvas.draw() def on_close(self, event): self.fig.canvas.stop_event_loop() def on_keyboard(self, event): if event.key == 'enter': # Prepare for printing self.hoverpos = None self.update() self.fig.canvas.stop_event_loop() def on_move(self, event): if event.inaxes: ix_hover = self.get_ix(event) self.hoverpos = ix_hover self.fig.canvas.draw() def update(self): self.fig.canvas.draw()
Instance variables
var fd
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@property def fd(self): return self.wd/2/np.pi
var fn
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@property def fn(self): return self.wn/2/np.pi
var hoverpos
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@property def hoverpos(self): return self._hoverpos
var ix
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@property def ix(self): #alias return self.picked
var lambd
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@property def lambd(self): if len(self.picked)>0: return self._lambd[self.picked] else: return np.empty([0])
var n_picked
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@property def n_picked(self): if len(self.picked)>0: return self._orders[self.picked] else: return np.empty([0])
var omegad
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@property def omegad(self): return self.wd
var omegan
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@property def omegan(self): return self.wn
var phi
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@property def phi(self): if len(self.picked)>0: return self._phi[:, self.picked] else: return np.empty([0])
var picked
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@property def picked(self): #sorted picked if self.sort_by is None: ix = None elif self.sort_by == 'undamped': ix = np.argsort(np.abs(self._lambd[self._picked])) elif self.sort_by == 'damped': ix = np.argsort(np.abs(np.imag(self._lambd[self._picked]))) return np.array(self._picked)[ix]
var wd
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@property def wd(self): return np.abs(np.imag(self.lambd))
var wn
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@property def wn(self): return np.abs(self.lambd)
var xi
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@property def xi(self): return -np.real(self.lambd)/np.abs(self.lambd)
def get_df(self, pars=['ix', 'n_picked', 'wn', 'xi'])
Get pandas dataframe with results.
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def get_df(self, pars=['ix', 'n_picked', 'wn', 'xi']): ''' Get pandas dataframe with results. ''' df = pd.DataFrame(data=np.vstack([getattr(self, par) for par in pars]).T, columns=pars) if 'n_picked' in df: df['n_picked'] = df['n_picked'].astype(int) if 'picked' in df: df['picked'] = df['picked'].astype(int) if 'ix' in df: df['ix'] = df['ix'].astype(int) return df
def get_fig(self, show=True, block=True)
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def get_fig(self, show=True, block=True): if self.psd_y is not None: ax2 = for ix, (psd, fi) in enumerate(zip(self.psd_y, self.psd_freq)): ax2.plot(fi, psd, self.psd_color) if self.log_psd_scale: ax2.set_yscale('log'), self._orders, **self.pole_settings)'{self.freq_name} [{self.freq_unit}]')'Order, $n$') self._hoverdot =[np.nan], [np.nan], **self.hover_pole_settings)[0] if self.annotate_hover: offsetbox = TextArea('') self._annotation = AnnotationBbox(offsetbox, [np.nan, np.nan], xybox=(80, 0), xycoords='data', boxcoords="offset points", arrowprops=dict(arrowstyle="->"), pad=0.3, bboxprops=dict(alpha=0.85)) if self.psd_y is not None: + 1) self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.on_click) self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self.on_move) self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', self.on_keyboard) self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('close_event', self.on_close) if block: self.title_format = '(Press enter when selection is done)' self.update() if show: if block: self.fig.canvas.start_event_loop() return self.fig
def get_ix(self, event)
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def get_ix(self, event): dist = (event.xdata - self._f)**2 + (event.ydata-self._orders)**2 ix_sel = np.argmin(dist) return ix_sel
def get_xi(self, ix=None)
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def get_xi(self, ix=None): xi = -np.real(self._lambd[ix])/np.abs(self._lambd[ix]) return xi
def on_click(self, event)
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def on_click(self, event): if event.inaxes: ix_sel = self.get_ix(event) if (event.button is MouseButton.LEFT and self.fig.canvas.manager.toolbar.mode.value == ''): self._picked.append(ix_sel) self.picked_dots.append([ix_sel], self._orders[ix_sel], **self.selected_pole_settings)[0] ) elif event.button is MouseButton.RIGHT: if ix_sel in self._picked: ix_remove = self._picked.index(ix_sel) self._picked.pop(ix_remove) self.picked_dots[ix_remove].remove() self.picked_dots.pop(ix_remove) self.fig.canvas.draw()
def on_close(self, event)
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def on_close(self, event): self.fig.canvas.stop_event_loop()
def on_keyboard(self, event)
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def on_keyboard(self, event): if event.key == 'enter': # Prepare for printing self.hoverpos = None self.update() self.fig.canvas.stop_event_loop()
def on_move(self, event)
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def on_move(self, event): if event.inaxes: ix_hover = self.get_ix(event) self.hoverpos = ix_hover self.fig.canvas.draw()
def update(self)
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def update(self): self.fig.canvas.draw()