Module koma.signal
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from scipy.signal import csd
import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import correlate, correlation_lags
from scipy.signal import resample_poly, resample
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
def xwelch(x, **kwargs):
Compute Welch cross-spectral density matrix for given inputs (stacked column-wise).
x : float
data matrix (column-wise data)
passed on to scipy's csd function for cross-spectral density estimation
f : float
numpy array of frequencies
cpsd : float
3d numpy array with CPSD matrix (frequency component on third index)
f, __ = csd(x[:,0], x[:,0], **kwargs)
cpsd = np.zeros([x.shape[1], x.shape[1], len(f)]).astype('complex')
for i, xi in enumerate(x.T):
for j, xj in enumerate(x.T):
f, cpsd[i,j,:] = csd(xi, xj, **kwargs)
return f, cpsd
def estimate_lags(data, ref=0, upsample=None, fs=1.0, upsample_method='fourier'):
Compute lags between all channels of data (channels stacked column-wise),
based on max of correlation.
data : float
data matrix (column-wise data)
ref : int, default=0
reference channel (to define resulting lags, will not affect analysis itself)
upsample : int, optional
upsample factor; if not specified the lag will be restricted to a resolution
given by the original sampling factor
fs : float, default=1.0
sampling factor of data; if not given
upsample_method : str, default='fourier'
method used to conduct the upsampling {'fourier', 'linear', 'poly'}
lags : float
numpy 1d array with lags between all channels and reference channel;
if fs is not given (i.e. set to its default value of 1.0),
the output defines the sample lag
if upsample is not None:
if upsample_method == 'fourier':
data = resample_poly(data, upsample, 1.0)
elif upsample_method == 'linear':
t = np.arange(0, (data.shape[0])*1/fs, 1/fs)
fsi = fs*upsample
ti = np.arange(0, (data.shape[0])*upsample*1/fsi, 1/fsi)
data = interp1d(t, data, axis=0, fill_value='extrapolate')(ti)
elif upsample_method == 'poly':
data = resample(data, upsample)
upsample = 1.0
l = np.shape(data)[1]
R0 = np.zeros([l, l, 2*data.shape[0]-1])
for dof1 in range(0, l):
for dof2 in range(0, l):
R0[dof1, dof2, :] = correlate(data[:, dof2], data[:,dof1], mode='full', method='auto')
lag_length = correlation_lags(data[:, dof1].size, data[:, dof2].size, mode="full")
lags = lag_length[np.argmax(R0[ref, :, :], axis=-1)]
return lags/(upsample*fs)
def shift_data(data, lags, cut=True):
Shift data by specified lags.
data : float
data matrix (column-wise data)
lags : float
list or numpy 1d array with sample lags (not time lag) to apply to all channels
cut : boolean, default=True
whether or not to cut the data to common valid range; if not,
nans are used
data_shifted : float
shifted data matrix
data_shifted = data*np.nan
for ix, lag in enumerate(lags):
x = np.arange(0, data.shape[0], 1.0)
data_shifted[:, ix] = interp1d(x, data[:, ix], axis=0, bounds_error=False)(x+lag)
if cut:
nan_start = int(np.ceil(np.max([0,-np.min(lags)])))
nan_end = int(-np.ceil(np.max(lags)))
if nan_end == 0:
nan_end = None
data_shifted = data_shifted[nan_start:nan_end, :]
return data_shifted
def estimate_lags(data, ref=0, upsample=None, fs=1.0, upsample_method='fourier')
Compute lags between all channels of data (channels stacked column-wise), based on max of correlation.
- data matrix (column-wise data)
, default=0
- reference channel (to define resulting lags, will not affect analysis itself)
, optional- upsample factor; if not specified the lag will be restricted to a resolution given by the original sampling factor
, default=1.0
- sampling factor of data; if not given
, default='fourier'
- method used to conduct the upsampling {'fourier', 'linear', 'poly'}
- numpy 1d array with lags between all channels and reference channel; if fs is not given (i.e. set to its default value of 1.0), the output defines the sample lag
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def estimate_lags(data, ref=0, upsample=None, fs=1.0, upsample_method='fourier'): ''' Compute lags between all channels of data (channels stacked column-wise), based on max of correlation. Arguments ----------- data : float data matrix (column-wise data) ref : int, default=0 reference channel (to define resulting lags, will not affect analysis itself) upsample : int, optional upsample factor; if not specified the lag will be restricted to a resolution given by the original sampling factor fs : float, default=1.0 sampling factor of data; if not given upsample_method : str, default='fourier' method used to conduct the upsampling {'fourier', 'linear', 'poly'} Returns ----------- lags : float numpy 1d array with lags between all channels and reference channel; if fs is not given (i.e. set to its default value of 1.0), the output defines the sample lag ''' if upsample is not None: if upsample_method == 'fourier': data = resample_poly(data, upsample, 1.0) elif upsample_method == 'linear': t = np.arange(0, (data.shape[0])*1/fs, 1/fs) fsi = fs*upsample ti = np.arange(0, (data.shape[0])*upsample*1/fsi, 1/fsi) data = interp1d(t, data, axis=0, fill_value='extrapolate')(ti) elif upsample_method == 'poly': data = resample(data, upsample) else: upsample = 1.0 l = np.shape(data)[1] R0 = np.zeros([l, l, 2*data.shape[0]-1]) for dof1 in range(0, l): for dof2 in range(0, l): R0[dof1, dof2, :] = correlate(data[:, dof2], data[:,dof1], mode='full', method='auto') lag_length = correlation_lags(data[:, dof1].size, data[:, dof2].size, mode="full") lags = lag_length[np.argmax(R0[ref, :, :], axis=-1)] return lags/(upsample*fs)
def shift_data(data, lags, cut=True)
Shift data by specified lags.
- data matrix (column-wise data)
- list or numpy 1d array with sample lags (not time lag) to apply to all channels
, default=True
- whether or not to cut the data to common valid range; if not, nans are used
- shifted data matrix
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def shift_data(data, lags, cut=True): ''' Shift data by specified lags. Arguments ----------- data : float data matrix (column-wise data) lags : float list or numpy 1d array with sample lags (not time lag) to apply to all channels cut : boolean, default=True whether or not to cut the data to common valid range; if not, nans are used Returns ----------- data_shifted : float shifted data matrix ''' data_shifted = data*np.nan for ix, lag in enumerate(lags): x = np.arange(0, data.shape[0], 1.0) data_shifted[:, ix] = interp1d(x, data[:, ix], axis=0, bounds_error=False)(x+lag) if cut: nan_start = int(np.ceil(np.max([0,-np.min(lags)]))) nan_end = int(-np.ceil(np.max(lags))) if nan_end == 0: nan_end = None data_shifted = data_shifted[nan_start:nan_end, :] return data_shifted
def xwelch(x, **kwargs)
Compute Welch cross-spectral density matrix for given inputs (stacked column-wise).
- data matrix (column-wise data)
**kwargs passed on to scipy's csd function for cross-spectral density estimation
- numpy array of frequencies
- 3d numpy array with CPSD matrix (frequency component on third index)
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def xwelch(x, **kwargs): ''' Compute Welch cross-spectral density matrix for given inputs (stacked column-wise). Arguments ----------- x : float data matrix (column-wise data) **kwargs passed on to scipy's csd function for cross-spectral density estimation Returns ----------- f : float numpy array of frequencies cpsd : float 3d numpy array with CPSD matrix (frequency component on third index) ''' f, __ = csd(x[:,0], x[:,0], **kwargs) cpsd = np.zeros([x.shape[1], x.shape[1], len(f)]).astype('complex') for i, xi in enumerate(x.T): for j, xj in enumerate(x.T): f, cpsd[i,j,:] = csd(xi, xj, **kwargs) return f, cpsd